Wrong Level Ups & Crashing - ID: 231

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Magus on 25/12/2011, 06:51:30


A couple of bugs to report:

1. My sorcerer has an Int of 26, and 18+ on the other stats but on level up I'm seeing spell points increases of 11. Shouldn't the minimum spell points I'm getting be 13 with a max of 16? With a 1d4 roll on spell points I've yet to see any increases above 14. Is there a cap on spell points?

2. Getting a lot of random crashes. A few have been where the game won't start up at all - keeps going back to the home screen. So I've had to restart my iPhone to get it to work again. Maybe the crashing doesn't occur on an iPad?


Hello Magus,

thank you for reporting these issues!

1. Yes, your are right. But: with an INT of 26, your bonus is only 10 + 1d4, because the int bonus is capped at 10. I am very sorry because this cap is not mentioned anywhere (i simply forgot to write it down).

2. I have found memory related crashes on my iPad so far, with the iPhone 4 working quite stable. I am working on these things, and hope that the overall stability will improve with the next updates.


I've also had some crashing on my iPhone 3GS. Not game breaking, but maybe every half hour or so.

Quote from Author: icetear
Hello Magus,

thank you for reporting these issues!

1. Yes, your are right. But: with an INT of 26, your bonus is only 10 + 1d4, because the int bonus is capped at 10. I am very sorry because this cap is not mentioned anywhere (i simply forgot to write it down).

2. I have found memory related crashes on my iPad so far, with the iPhone 4 working quite stable. I am working on these things, and hope that the overall stability will improve with the next updates.



Mario, I'm just curious, why do you limit the impact of iq over 25 by capping the sp bonus but you don't limit the thaco bonus of dex over 25?


Hi Petrov,

magic is complicated and insight is limited ;-)
Just kidding, the reason for the INT cap is the fact that your spellcasters should have around 500+ SpPt in the endgame. If I remove that cap, they will end up with far more - which is not intended.


Quote from Author: icetear
Hi Petrov,

magic is complicated and insight is limited ;-)
Just kidding, the reason for the INT cap is the fact that your spellcasters should have around 500+ SpPt in the endgame. If I remove that cap, they will end up with far more - which is not intended.



Cool, thanks Mario. So am I right in thinking iq above 25 has no benefit? So no point reloading at level time to get iq higher than at...?

Thanks again!


You are right. Intelligence isn't used elsewhere so there is no point in bringing it above 25.
