Bug Reports

From Silversword RPG Wiki

You found a bug in the game? Of course you can let us know via our support email address or facebook. But you can also post it here!

Losing savegames - ID: 8

Acquiring new spells - ID: 15

Temple and Resurrection - ID: 13

1.5 - ID: 17

1.5 - Hunter doesn't work - ID: 23

Push Notifications - ID: 75

Update 1.6 - ID: 33

chest near crypt..? **SPOILERS** - ID: 48

Update 1.7 - ID: 56

Update 1.9 - ID: 111

Bow and arrows not working - ID: 112

Stuck in a shop - ID: 116

Race / class limitations? - ID: 117

(null) finds (item) - ID: 147

Crashing issues - ID: 154

Thac0 Warrior Paladin - ID: 155

Update 1.9.3 - ID: 162

Hiding Rogue Not So Hidden - ID: 178

Stat Increase Bug? - ID: 181

saved game transfer - ID: 184

Full Version 2.0.1 - ID: 191

Abandoned tower - moving outside the map - ID: 193

Trainning Hall - ID: 194

Far Foes / Mind Blade - ID: 197

Full version - ID: 198

Healing balms / Travel to Beacon spell - ID: 210

possible Gwyddon bug - ID: 211

Iron Javelins - ID: 215

Brother Rectus - Divine Shell - ID: 216

Blank Screen - ID: 223

Soul Whip - ID: 221

Random Stat increase - ID: 228

Wrong Level Ups & Crashing - ID: 231

Spell Effects disappearing - ID: 233

Restarting a combat upon interruption - ID: 235

Bug getting by guardian of grove - ID: 241

Killed game by swtiching party members - ID: 245

Spell bug:Return to becon stuk game - ID: 267

Wrong character equip after death - ID: 268

deathstar randomly becoming unequipped - ID: 279

Re-entering the town: game closed - ID: 280

Running away from monsters bug - ID: 294

Bag of gold issue - ID: 302

Tar....... Witchers.. - ID: 305

Spell wizardry level 5 - ID: 306

Forget-Me-Nots = Overpowered NPCs - ID: 308

Mages casting at nothing - ID: 327

Vampires key cutting service - ID: 328

Crashing in big battles - ID: 329

Grammar.... - ID: 333

Game Crashing - ID: 334

Curing Insanity - ID: 340

Crit % flat, no bonus? - ID: 341

John Doe - my character loose his name (closed) - ID: 343

Update 2.04 - ID: 347

Repeat command didnt work with spellcasters - ID: 348

Crash and stuck after update to 2.0.4 - ID: 350

Bug after looking at compendium - ID: 355

Shop Memory - ID: 393

Freeze... - ID: 361

Party Killed - Game Stuck - ID: 368

Freeze on recall beacon travelling - ID: 369

Bug scrolling down alone - ID: 370

Loch catear freeze - ID: 371

Fast travel services cancelled by a crash while loading - ID: 372

Blank screen after opening manual (Closed) - ID: 373

Can't get compendium back after re-install - ID: 374

Bug? Outside review board (closed) - ID: 377

Party attacks last - ID: 378

Shutdown After defeating muzriel - ID: 381

Game stuck and unplayable - ID: 382

Bug with directional pad - ID: 383

New update - ID: 388

Minor annoyance - ID: 389

Andursteel throwing weapons - ID: 625

All savegames gone - ID: 397

Game crashes *closed* - ID: 404

Game crash market district - ID: 412

Crash outside of Dwarven mines - ID: 417

Stuck in savage garden - ID: 418

In game purchases - ID: 419

Paladin cannot acquire spells - ID: 427

Deeper Forest bug? - ID: 433

Temple Bug? - ID: 437

Human Paladins and Maximum Health - ID: 459

Another bug!!!!!!!! - ID: 439

Burial Mound Guardian - ID: 450

Trading bug: Thief dagger - ID: 451

Won game but couple o' bugs along the way - ID: 452

Game won't start - ID: 454

Figurine's after class change - ID: 461

Accessing Shop - ID: 463

CRASH - ID: 469

Minor Crashes - ID: 481

iCloud won't turn on - ID: 496

Two minor bugs - ID: 501

Save game not active - ID: 515

In App Compendium purchase only shows on one device - ID: 521

Getting lost in the Lost Forest - ID: 524

Save game feature disabled - ID: 528

Possible bug for training hall - ID: 529

2.08 crashing - ID: 538

Crash while trying to fight giants in dwarves mountains - ID: 539

Possible bug with daylight - ID: 540

iPad 3 - ID: 541

Crash on mountain slope - ID: 543

Level up hack? - ID: 545

Consistently crashing on treasure chest - ID: 556

Message never clearing from the top-right area - ID: 558

typo - ID: 578

Bluetooth audio during a call - ID: 582

Save issue came up today - and solved - ID: 589

Jammed on closing - ID: 592

No movement when casting too many protection spells - ID: 601

Bone Arrows - ID: 618

Arrows freeze and then move - ID: 626

Breaking the Inventory Limits - ID: 649

In App Shop won't load - ID: 650

TrapZap - ID: 652

Loss of spells when load saved game - ID: 655

farther foe shows it costs 40 SP? - ID: 665

Missing rusty bar? - ID: 670

Can't pass even with symbol of Maruziel - ID: 674

a couple bug reports - ID: 677

Secret Sewer Area? - ID: 681

Gwydon wonttrade sickle - ID: 684

Game crashes - ID: 691

Sewer bandit Hideout - ID: 692

Message screen doesnt refresh. Can't save and reload. - ID: 694

Bard song cut off - ID: 731

Ring of Power - ID: 733

Instant Death - ID: 735

Crashes - ID: 749

Selling unknowns - ID: 753

Map wont open in Dark Passage under Lizard Hut - ID: 754

Subsequent chests always jammed if previous was - ID: 755

Lost out on Sorcerer spells? - ID: 756

Conversion and leveling up - ID: 761

Troll ring increases AC by 2 - ID: 762

Conversion issue - ID: 764

Drops bugged? - ID: 765

Cannot cast spells in combat - ID: 767

No sound - ID: 771

Can't spend money - ID: 774

Bug with 250 item Limit in Bank - ID: 1164

Selling enchanted items - ID: 936

Pool Gold - ID: 941

Slow Memory Leak - ID: 943

Cannot change class until you buy level 3 spells - ID: 944

Training problem? - ID: 953

Cannot enter Inferno anymore! - ID: 958

2.1.19 for old Arch Mages - ID: 959

Crashes while traveling - ID: 961

Rings of Force - ID: 970

So close! - ID: 985

Compendium - ID: 995

Auto correct on map notes - ID: 996

So closeas well - ID: 1002

Big - ID: 1009

Privacy Policy - ID: 1012

Latest update causes inferno crashing - ID: 1029

Paradosa text issue - ID: 1034

iPad: Crash about 4 steps from beggining ruin camp - ID: 1035

Selling bug - ID: 1037

iCloud save bug - ID: 1038

Getting stuck between areas - ID: 1047

Bug with Ring of Protection - ID: 1049

Keyboard shortcut - ID: 1165

New Characters in Old Party Bug - ID: 1056

Expansion - ID: 1058

Bard DC yields empty song list - ID: 1060

Blood of Asphgyr shows as Unknown in effects list - ID: 1061

Expansion transfer between devices issue - ID: 1064

Travel to Beacon bugs - ID: 1067

Prowlers, Stalkers, and Vamps - ID: 1073

dex bug boots of speed on leveling (DONE) - ID: 1087

Inconsistent use of range - ID: 1091

Saves / expansion difficulty - ID: 1092

35 prowlers and soulsucker crashes the game (DONE) - ID: 1093

Dunkellich doesn't advance (DONE) - ID: 1096

Able to access Water Top Early (DONE) - ID: 1100

Enchanting "Assassine" negates damage (DONE) - ID: 1108

Dragon spirit gone a bug? (DONE) - ID: 1118

Crashes after update 2.3.6 - ID: 1214

Coals can't cast (DONE (2.3.2)) - ID: 1121

Silver top bug??? - ID: 1138

Dialogue encounter spot bug - ID: 1148

Volcano problem - ID: 1168

Is this a bug : died in Rectus's sewer shrine ? - ID: 1181

Castle Bug - ID: 1187

Mithril Ruin - ID: 1188

Low base-point for Gnome !? - ID: 1200

Paladin Empowering Spell Not Being Offered? - ID: 1205

Trapped in Inferno - ID: 1207

Tapatalk - ID: 1223

Bow Bug - ID: 1227

App Store - ID: 1259

Viewing Compendium on PC - ID: 1270

Compendium purchase - ID: 1269

In-game shop stuck "Loading" - ID: 1277

Game crashes on opening chests - ID: 1297

Misspelled word. - ID: 1299

Cant cancel travel - ID: 1301

Typo viewing spell list - ID: 1310

Bug? - ID: 1317

game tries to access my photos - ID: 1322

bard song sound bug - ID: 1326

Finished the expansion - ID: 1328

Possible game store selling bug? - ID: 1332

Problems with iOS 8.2 and silversword 2.5 - ID: 1358

Arrows 'reload' even when not matching required lvl. - ID: 1367

Typo or NPC with bad grammar? - ID: 1371

Crashes Ever 1 Minute - ID: 1375

Sound Problem - ID: 1387

Cant access armory - ID: 1394

death - ID: 1410

Settings - ID: 1416

Changing classes - ID: 1421

problem with XP from creeper encounter in Watertop. - ID: 1433

Lava damage - ID: 1458

Maze drawing geometry - ID: 1460

Better weapon isn't better - ID: 1466

Horn of Arsyth - ID: 1467

Game crashing in Garage Sale - ID: 1472

Minor problem fighting in the Plane of Earth - ID: 1480

Minor edits to Compendium re Alchemy - ID: 1537

Stun bug - ID: 1554

Racial Bonuses - ID: 1564

Stuck. - ID: 1617

DLC progression (spoilers) - ID: 1641

Cannot level up or save - ID: 1649

No resurrection in the Annharbor city slums - ID: 1656

Compendium - ID: 1662