Update 1.9.3 - ID: 162

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Nimue on 18/11/2011, 14:33:30

Just started playing around with the latest update this morning. Thanks for fixing the repeat command and log entry issues :) The new night sky looks nice too, the stars are much prettier than the old solid black sky.

One thing I noticed immediately though - have you been fiddling with opponents' spell resistances? If so, I think maybe you overdid it a little, since Star Fire and Battle Strike are almost useless now, even against low level opponents. Of a group of 20 rats, 17 were still standing after a blast of Star Fire, which was slightly embarrassing for my poor Magician.

Also, just to clarify this - do Rogues get their critical hit chance only when sneaking, or also in normal combat? I'm asking since my level 6 Rogue has a crit chance of 22%, so statistically she should score a crit roughly once in five hits. However, the only times I ever saw her hit critically was when she was in stealth mode, and even then it seems to happen much less frequently than in 22% of hits. I seem to remember that in earlier versions crits were much less rare, but that changed with 1.7 or 1.9 (I think).

Can't wait for the full version, but I said that often enough already ;)

Another small thing I just noticed: the new night sky looks strange when you're travelling in the mountains and looking down the mountainside. After midnight, the lower part of the sky is light grey, while the rest is still properly black (see attachment). When the time moves on to early morning, it looks okay again, so it seems that only certain phases of the night are affected. It's no big deal really, but I know you guys are perfectionists ;)

I'm having the same issues with spells....massively underpowered now as is my frost horn. Even my Lesser Demon's spells aren't making much of a scratch.

Hello all,

1. rogues get their chance to crit hit only out of hiding!

2. I will check the resistances. In preparation for the full version, some changes have been made. But of course your casters should do more harm...

3. The sky bug is already fixed and will be in the next update.

Sorry for the bugs!


Thanks for clarifying. And for fixing things so quickly, of course :) So there will be another update before the full version?

Quote from Author: Nimue
Thanks for clarifying. And for fixing things so quickly, of course :) So there will be another update before the full version?

I will send an update to apple asap, yes. These things are critical to the gameplay, so I have no choice ;-)
