Update 1.6 - ID: 33

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Nimue on 02/09/2011, 15:44:30

A couple of things I've noticed with the recent update:

  • The shrub near the path to the crypt now behaves like a chest, but it still looks like a bush. Almost there ;)
  • For some reason, my game is suddenly very unstable. I hardly ever had a crash before the update, now it just crashed three times in ten minutes while on the road to the castle. I have no idea what is causing the crashes, my party was only walking along, and the game just vanished without a message.
  • The message at the beginning of the passage leading to the fountain is now on the correct side of the wall. Thanks for fixing this :)
  • Is it possible to have custom labels for the savegames? For testing purposes, I'm currently juggling three parties of adventurers in two different games. Since characters aren't saved in the guild for all games, but only per game, it would be very easy to lose characters by accidentally overwriting the wrong savegame. If the saves could be named with some proper label instead of just the area and the time played, that would help. Alternatively, a central repository for all characters created on a device would at least ensure that no characters are lost, although I'm not sure if this approach is feasible.
  • Keep up the great work :)

    Hello Nimue,

    thank you for your feedback!
    Give me another try on the chest with the 1.7 Update ;-)

    The game crashing is a serious issue. It can be caused by memory problems, due to some changed code.
    Please wait for the Update 1.7, and then observe the game's behavior closely - really sorry for this.

    Custom Labels are possible - i will think about this and eventually implement it in a future update.
    This goes for the persistant character roster as well.


    P.S. I just send in the Update 1.7 which will hopefully adress some usability issues and stability problems. Sorry for such an amount of updates in such a short time, but your input is very valuable to me and I steadily try to improve Silversword.

    Thanks for the quick reply :) I'll stay tuned for the next update and give you some more feedback once I've tried it.

    Hi have not have a single crashing problem in any version of the game so far.

    The only strange things I noticed:

    1) My Rogue (who should be the only guy to search for and disarm traps, apart from TRZP) is the worst at it.
    My Bard and Mage can find and remove traps as often as my Rogue, and can open locks even better thn him.

    E.g. my Rogue gets the message: "You are unable to pick the lock" 4 times in a row, and if I then use my Bard to pick locks, he picks the lock in the first try.

    2) Sometimes the graphic cache does not seem to empty, when one enemy (group) has been pacified, and the picture of the enemy (group) coming into the front line gets overlaid onto the picture of the just vanquished group.

    Have a couple of screenshots, if necessary.




    I've found the same error with the enemy-pic in the watchtower. After a group of goblins were dead, the picture was visible and behind the next enemy.

    And you using the arrows causes a crash in my version. If I select a character with arrows via "use item" and choose the arrows the game crashed.

    And in the inventory the are some problems with items with looooong names. I can see if they are equiped or not and it doesn't look very good... ;)

    And you can leave the city with levitation via the river in the near of the magic fountain. the are coming some strange grafics...

    I have some crashes, but I didn't found out why - not yet.

    Now levitation is working properly. thxs. Will it be possible to "hover" over a abyss to come to the other side?

    Is in the 1.7 the posibility to sum up items like arrrows, healing balm, ... in only one position in the inventory?

    so far for my report ... I'm waiting for the next version. Maybe some higher levels for the characters?



    Currently I got Problems with some wargs. When I want to use repeat commands, it doesn't work. Strange. I was in the watchtower again.


    All of my characters has got like 150 harmonic gem #1# each...

    Hello Dannyboy,

    Yes - unfortunately this is due to a bug in the chest that can be reached by floating across the water!
    The bug is already fixed, but your inventory won't be fixed.

    If you want me to remove the gems, please send a mail with your attached savegame.
    I am very sorry for that!
