Trapped in Inferno - ID: 1207

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Oroboros on 09/08/2013, 01:52:25

Okay, so I have defeated Maruziel, but decided to go back to Inferno to harvest it for more XP and high-end gear. I decided to try to get back to the deeper levels of Inferno, thinking that more powerful creatures would be there, and the equipment drops would possibly be higher quality. However, when I entered the "Dark Tower" and got teleported to the area with the lava, I could not get re-teleported back out by going back to the "Dark Tower" on the lava side. So...I figured I would just work my way through the rest of the dungeon to the grassy area where Maruziel used to be and just teleport out that way--but now it says that this way is guarded by the forces of good. Therefore, I appear to be trapped in the deeper levels of Inferno, and can't get out! And I've already tried "Travel to Beacon" post-Maruziel's defeat, and it still doesn't work. Help!

I believe you can get out. You need to walk back north along the west side of the map (from the SW corner). When you can you go west into the east side of the map. Proceed through the maze in the NE corner until you are back in the NW corner. Proceed through that part until you get to the end. Kick all the walls there -- I think one is a one way wall back into the beginning part of the maze. From there you can walk to the exit. This beginning loop is a good area to grind; just don't go back into the lava again. Instead exit so the encounters reset and re enter. The drops here are as good as the drops post entering lava area, so why bother?

In general it's best to keep a backup (maybe in the cloud) before you try an experiment like this, just in case you do get truly trapped. However, this time I think you can get out...

Thanks, Wizardz--you're awesome! There *is* a secret way out on the eastern side of the map. It's a one-way secret door from the deeper "levels" of Inferno back to the more beginning ones in the center. I feel like I've been given a "get out of hell free" card! Also, it's good to know that I don't have to venture very deep into Inferno to do some quality grinding. I'm getting frustrated, though. I've slain a few dozen batches of enemies, and still haven't gotten any Forgus weapons or armor. Truth be told, I think Watertop or Iron Valley is a better place to grind in terms of XP, but Inferno is *supposed* to have higher quality goodies. Maybe I just gotta be patient.  :-)

Inferno runs hot and cold on the drops. They will come, but you have to be patient. You should be able to get Forgus armor for your whole party, except the ones who are limited to Wyvernhyde. You can also find Troll rings and rings (and gloves) of force. Since you're into the expansion, though, I would suggest you forge ahead to the Old Bonehouse in the Shadows of Mar, past iron valley, crystal sea and tranquil grove. The loot is just as good and the experience is better, so I prefer it for grinding. It's a good place to grow your DC while looking for those Forgus items. On the way there you can find the Armageddon spell and the Song of Arms, both of which are useful while grinding. Enjoy the expansion!

True, 'dat, Wizardz--I've been grinind in the Bonehouse and Silvertop areas for a while, and it has been quite rewarding. I found Armageddon a while back in the Dragon Graveyard, and at the time, my archmages weren't even capable of using Lv 7 spells yet, so that was interesting that they'd still teach it to me. I got the Call to Arms song in Watertop as well, though fighting all those Prowlers for such a prize was questionable. It took almost an hour to complete that battle! Now I'm in a predicament where my Monk>DC has spells which he doesn't yet have enough SP to cast!! It is most certainly time to get him levelled. I was worried about losing some of my monk's powers (such as the use of Knuckledusters) when I converted him to DC, but wielding the Staff of Storms, he can now do up to 30k of damage to enemies up to 30' away. That has made me into a true believer of using any class with multiple attacks (Warior, Monk, etc.) as one's DC so that you can end up with this most awesome of effects.

BTW, do you have any hints about answering that magic mouth's questions in the Old Bonehouse? I have no idea what the first name of this deceased Artonsas family member might be.

But more to the point, when are you going to make a walkthrough for the expansion??  :-) Your first one was so good!

I may start the walkthru soon -- you are not the first to ask...

You find the answer to the riddle in the old Bonehouse in the graveyard just outside Castilla Artonsa. This answer is not spelled backwards:
