Spell bug:Return to becon stuk game - ID: 267

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by juzanlord on 31/12/2011, 06:34:43

I found a possible bug:
I have 2 wizzards, so i set 1 becon to city and other in the dungeon.

Within the dungeon i cast return to bacon with wiz that have it on city, and the party start moving around... Than stop altre few moves ( not in and bacon).

The symbol of moving still active so can't do anything and need to reload.

Is it a known bug? Despite Who cast, the game manage one becon?
Can u Houston change party coords Teleporting, instead of moving?

Thanks, happy new year

Hello juzanlord,

for now, only one beacon can be set - independent of caster.
I will change that in the future so you can have one beacon for each wizard.

The spell also does not tell you if it works from your current position, in fact, only overland maps should work by now.
I will change the spell messages accordingly.

I will think about an instant teleport, although it will prevent you from enjoying the landscape ;-)


Getting same problem... I second the teleport idea... Dont mind missing views.. Seen it many times ;-)

thanks for reply