Silver top bug??? - ID: 1138

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by coffee999 on 02/05/2013, 12:25:06

Mario...I am stuck on silver top. I killed the janitors, but can't get past the rocks, and can't teleport out. I have waited and waited and tried every time; I.e, noon, twilight, and no one is ever home. Please let me know if this is a bug. This is an extremely frustrating part of the expansion.

This is part of the quest you will receive from Mortifer (Coast Lands).
You have to visit him first.

Ugh. I wish I had a clue about that one. Maybe I will get out of this maze by tomorrow. :cry:

Hopefully someone puts up a walkthrough eventually...

Before you are completely lost, drop me a personal message and I will help.

Kind regards

I sent u my game Mario. I am exasperated now, why can't we just teleport out of here? I can understand it being hard to get to the volcano, but it is virtually impossible to exit if you don't hit another area first.

Which kind of teleport do you mean?
The teleport spell that the Dragoncaller can learn should do very well here.

Learning what areas exist, and how they are connected, is part of the challenge.
Perhaps someone might want to contribute a walkthrough, which will clear things up.

If you feel that more hints and directions are needed at certain places, and other players can confirm that, I will of course provide a solution with the next updates by enhancing the maps/quests/descriptions.

Kind regards

Here's my personal map of Silver Mountain Top. You want to get to the teleport destination "cc". The single letters/numbers are the teleports, and the double letters/numbers are their destination. Just make it to "c" on the map and you'll find your way out. Good luck.

<URL url="2013-05-02%2013.27.33.png">[[<LINK_TEXT text=" ... .27.33.png">2013-05-02%2013.27.33.png</LINK_TEXT>]]</URL>