Save issue came up today - and solved - ID: 589

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Crocket on 12/04/2012, 21:52:35

I've seen several other people with save issues, and it hit me today, after returning to the guild in the sewers.

I was about to do the app share file save to send to Mario, and then just decided to close out the game and reload it. It came back exactly where I was, with save re-enabled. Hard to say if that is a Silversword bug, or maybe just an iPad being exhausted bug. So there is a low tech answer if anyone needs it.

Mario, not sure if you saw my post under walkthroughs, but wanted to make sure you saw the high praise on your game. I'm also impressed that you personally respond to everyone here on the boards - that is terrific customer service!

Thanks, and if you get a chance, I'd love your thoughts on my question in the other thread...after all, who better to ask than the gamemaster!  ;) Located at: <URL url=""><LINK_TEXT text=" ... f=12&t=585"></LINK_TEXT></URL>


Hello Todd,

thank you very much! I saw your other thread but didn't had the time to answer yet.
As for the saving issue... I think this is a bug in the game but it is hard to track down. Giving my best... :-)
