Save game not active - ID: 515

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by treflip on 05/03/2012, 10:59:21

Just finished healing my party with word of healing. I was outside the castle ruin camp right near the gardian groves. I tried to save and the save slot is blank and wont let me press to save. tried to go back to the traveler inn and exchange party members but still no save enabled. Not in a big rush to fix too busy with school. So when you get a chance...

In seldom circumstances, the game still sees you in combat mode, and disables saving.
After the next fight, this should be working again, so please try to beat down some snake or rats.


That doesnt sound so bad. I cant try it snymore because i reset it but at least theres a work around if it happens again.

Going into battle did not fix the problem with the save not working