Running away from monsters bug - ID: 294

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by cparker94 on 02/01/2012, 16:36:08

Hello Mario! Great game!!!! I love it!!

Here is something that I would like to see fixed. If you are coming to battle with, let's say, five Guardians of the Grove, and you try to run and you are not successful, all you have to do is hit your home button and then click on the icon again and then you are at the start of the battle again where you have the option to fight or run again. You can do this repeatedly until you are successful. Makes it too easy to run from monsters.

Just a thought!

Love the game!! I'm now at the Bandit Cave right now with all level 12 characters and the cave is kicking my a**!!!!!!


Craig from Texas

Hi Craig,

thank you for your message!
Well, as long as this isn't fixed, treat it as cheat ;-)

But don't tell anyone...!


P.S. This goes together with the standby feature request mentioned in another thread. I don't have a date to work on this yet, sorry.