Push Notifications - ID: 75

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Titansiege on 14/09/2011, 11:31:41

Not sure if this can be considered a bug, but this is best place to discuss this..

I play a few time sink games (Zombie Cafe, Crime City and We Rule) on my ipad... now.. i like to know when something is going on with these and so have push notifcations on.... however.. as with most games when a push comes through it has a weird effect on the game..

In respect to Silversword.. it auto generates a pack of monsters to fight..... this is not a bad thing as such... however if im in the middle of a fight and i get a push message it resets the fight with an entirely new set of monsters.. so have to start the advancing/killing all over again.. its not a big issue and if its just one of those things i can learn to live around it.. but if its something that an be fixed :P

Ive not had this happen in the middle of a "named" fight (i.e. any of the placed boss fights) so dont know what happens in these cases..

Zombie Cafe also reacts oddly when you get a push message so, it might be just one of those things.. if so. the game is well worth it.

"Seriously tho, We Rule is fun.. :P"

Hello TitanSiege,

thank you very much for your feedback.
The game goes into a sleep state when it is interrupted - whether by push notifications or by switching to another app.
This sleep state can be compared to a savedGame. By now, active encounters are not saved. I will think about a solution for this, it is indeed annoying to have a fight repeated.
