Problem with XP from creeper encounter in Watertop. - ID: 1433

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Seeing-Eye Dragon on 14/06/2016, 06:27:10

Hi. I'm not really ready for them but I've tried the creeper encounter in the northwest corner of Watertop. It's been quite a grind but I've beaten them a couple of times now.

Each time, it seems to suggest that I get over 2 million XP. I'm positive that it starts with a 2 and shows 7 digits, although each time it's gone away too fast for me to write the number down.

The problem is that when I check my party's XP afterwards, they hardly seem to have gained anything at all. Am I missing something? Have I read the numbers incorrectly?

I wondered if it was a problem with getting too much XP so that you were owed a number of levels. I've had characters with enough XP to level 3 or 4 times before though so I had to dismiss this thought.


I will check this out as soon as possible!

kind regards

From memory I think it is 6 digits including the first two.

hi again,

well, I defeated the creepers and got around 200000 xp per member (had 7 members).
So no problem detected.
If you or someone can reproduce the problem, I will be glad to investigate further.

kind regards