Missing rusty bar? - ID: 670

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Apriori on 27/05/2012, 21:00:55

While waiting for Apple to pass Mario's latest update to fix the unopenable chests, I stared a new game with a rogue. I got as far as the forgotten crypt, again, but can't seem to find the bar. As this is a bit useful later on, it could be a problem. The chest, that I thought it was in, reported that one of my team had found a '(null)'. When I checked all the inventories I found nothing new.

Am I going nuts or is this another problem

No, you are not going nuts.
There are some problems with composite item names, and finding a (null) item points to this.
The fix for this will be in the update, too.
I hate to admit this, but sometimes the bugs chase you...

I can modify your savegame if you send it to me so that your efforts aren't wasted.


My saved game is on it's way, I hope.

Cheers Mario.

Hey - I have the exact same problem... Any chance you could modify my save game file, too, please? How would I send it to you?
Many thanks!!

You can access your saved games via iTunes App Sharing.
This link might be of help in locating the files: <URL url="http://silversword-rpg.com/help/transfer-savegame/">http://silversword-rpg.com/help/transfer-savegame/</URL>

Please send your most recent game to <EMAIL email="info@silversword-rpg.com">info@silversword-rpg.com</EMAIL>

I will fix it asap

Just emailed it to you. Many thanks!!


Same problem. I will email this to you when I get home. One question though, I've noticed other things have come up as "(null)" as well. I'd say maybe this has happened 3 or 4 times.

I'm stuck in the Watchtower Tunnels and don't have the rusty bar. I've scoured the crypt and I'm definitely experiencing the same problem as other users in this thread.



Oh by the way, I love the game. Fantastic to have this on my iPad. I have the Bard's Tale IOS also, which has the original trilogy, but of those I would likely only play BT3 because it's the only one with automap.

I truly hope you make Silversword 2 and will check out your fund raising request on that one!


I found another (null) while searching the house, in Loch Caetar, near the mushroom patch. I know it's not a vital item so don't worry.

Yes, some items that have a composite name, won't loot correctly.

This bug will be fixed with the update which should be live every day now.

Sorry for that

hi, i created an account to report a couple bugs, and this thread seems to be one of them (though i know nothing about what a 'rusty bar' is, since this is my first playthrough.

anyway ---

i am in the crypt. i just found (null) in a chest. i thankfully saved the game only a couple minutes before this chest.

am i to understand this may be an important item and i should wait till a patch to open this chest? i don't mind simply waiting on that chest if that's a solid workaround.

hi, as i mentioned in the last post, i'm suffering from this same problem.

however, now i -think- it's causing me to have to put down the game. i'm trying not to 'spoil' the game for myself, so based on skimming posts i think it's the rusty bar that is supposed to show up in the [null] chest in the crypt. and just a wild guess, but i'm thinking i need the bar in the troll tunnels to get through that secret door.

if i'm correct, then i'm at a point where there is nothing else i can do.

can you let me know if i'm correct and need to wait for a patch to play again?

with the actual update, you should be able to loot the item.
Yes, it is needed, your guess is correct.


yep! grabbed the patch, grabbed the bar, am good to go! thanks!