Message never clearing from the top-right area - ID: 558

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by taleinat on 28/03/2012, 04:20:17

I don't recall how, but I just had a message stuck in the top-right area! Nothing cleared it away short of restarting the app (I actually had to kill it). The message was in the dungeon (the one just iutside the first castle) when I descended to level -2, the one about there being a ladder up and asking if I wanted to ascend.

Everything else worked as usual, just with the "stuck" message in the way, which made understanding what was going on very difficult. For example, I couldn't read how many enemies I was fighting, which made getting out ofnthe dungeon, well, interesting ;)

That was very annoying...

Hello taleinat,

sorry to hear that!
If you happen to encounter this behaviour again, please try to recall what you did before.
It might be caused by touching certain areas of the screen where the game did not expect it.
I will try to reproduce it, of course.
