Loss of spells when load saved game - ID: 655

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Bloodshot on 12/05/2012, 18:59:15

I am currently in Horoths mine, and have regularly been saving. For some reason, every time I load a saved game, all. Of my spells disappear. That leads me to have to recast everything I had when I had saved the game.

I am not in an anti-magic spot, so that isn't the cause. It just seems to fail to record the active spells when saving.

Hi Bloodshot,

if this problem persist, please send me your save game.
This seems to happen rarely randomly and I haven't been able to reproduce it yet.
Perhaps your game can give me some more insight.
You can download it via iTunes App Sharing.


This rarely and seemingly randomly happens to me as well. Bard songs die together with spell effects, by the way.

I've had this happen randomly too, but never consistently.

Yes, this happens to me too. Not all the time, but frequently enough.

Don't know why it does that yet.

Great game btw - love it!

Happened to me and I think I have now found the reason why.

If I use a potion and then immediately save the game then upon reloading that game the spells disappear.
Or if you don't immediately save but perform other actions without moving and then save.

I have seen this happen, too.

Ramzes clue is part of it. I think any time you do something that changes your stats/condition, if you save immediately next, then move, when you load from that save your continuous spells are cleared.

The workaround for me is to move one step before saving after you have changed your stats.

You can force this failure if you go to the spell regeneration fountain and save before moving away. Then move away. A lot of the time, if not always, reloading from that save gives you full SP but clears your continuous spells.