Killed game by swtiching party members - ID: 245

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by kornrantus on 26/12/2011, 21:35:23

I was starting out, level 1 group.. wandered about a bit just past the first guard guy and the tree you walk thru and went from a few snakes or rats or gobbies to 5 Forrest protectors that hit me for 50-70 a hit and wiped most my party, hiked my skirts and ran.. A *tad* steep on the challenge curve =)

Anyways main issue;
made it back to the adventure hall and just made new party peeps.
When I swapped them out I had a moment where I had only DEAD party members in the list and it acted like I died in battle. I got a black screen with a qoute and then the load saved gave screen

Might want to check the mob tables for the newbie area unless thats intended.

Would be nice to have a flag of while in guild hall no game ending due to dead party members.

I started over anyway but thought I should say something so others dont make the same mistake.

Would also be nice if the rez lady charged a little less if you are under lev 3 =) maybe free rez if you are lev 1. Help the newbies out and keep em playing.

Hello kornrantus,

thank you very much for your suggestions!
I will look into the dead party member problem and will think about making the first levels a little bit easier.
