IPad: Crash about 4 steps from beggining ruin camp - ID: 1035

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by SonnBoy99 on 15/02/2013, 23:29:20

First, this game is awesome. I've played a total of 15 hours and can't wait to get home and play it.

Second, for some reason of the 15 hours of play I've had about 4 random crashes and it all seem to happen about 4 steps from the ruin camp near the weapon shop. It seems to happen after an hour of adventuring then coming back to the ruin camp to save. Then I would go through each characters equipment to organize and sell. Sometimes, I'll sell the loot at the weapons shop, take a few steps and crash. As far as I remember it always crashes about 2 or 3 steps SE of the weapons shop. I play this mostly on iPad 2nd gen but also on iPhone 4 and it never crashes on iPhone, only on iPad.

I've even killed all background apps, rebooted the iPad and play the game and still it happens. Usually after the crash the autosave will get my game back minus a few minutes from crash. But I would hate to have this happen after finding some good item and having the game crash.

Has anyone seen something like this?

Hardware: iPad 2nd Gen
IOS Ver: 6.1

So I started playing the same save game on new iPad4 on older iOS version and the game was still crashing. I seemed to have noticed however when the crashes were happening.

This is my usual use case:
1. Start game, load iCloud save.
2. Start adventuring for about an hour.
3. Come back to ruin camp.
4. Save a local save game as well as a iCloud save back to back. I play on 2 devices so I always save to iCloud in case I don't have my iPad on me. I use the local save game as a backup in case my iCloud save game gets screwed up somehow.
5. Start adventuring again, and usually within 1 minute the game would crash. I would load app back up and sometimes the autosave would lose a few minutes of play.

So recently I just moved so I didn't have WiFi for awhile so I was playing and saving only to the local game slot. What I've noticed is that the game hasn't crashed once since I haven't used the iCloud save. Could be a coincidence but very well could be the cause of my crashes. I'll keep playing without using iCloud save for awhile to see if my crashes go away then start using iCloud save again. If the crashes come back then I highly suspect it's saving to iCloud that is causing the issue.