Game crashes *closed* - ID: 404

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Don Quixote on 28/01/2012, 17:28:54

Hi Mario,

I had crashes of Silveresword once a while, but since I moved on to Paradosa ,the game becomes unplayable (sorry to say) I try to save the game, the applikation crashes, as when listening to a story in the tavern or even if I walk around.
So I'am not sure, if this is part of the instability you mentioned earlier.

(Tried to restart the app by quiting it, but that doesn' t help.) Maybe I will try to reinstal it completly.

Using iPad1 with ios 5.01

Best regards, Don Q.

Hello Don Q,

the crashes that I could reproduce were due to memory problems, and occured after several fights and about 10 map loadings. Your game seems to crash far more, sadly. Could you provide me a save game perhap?
With the next update, some of the memory problems will be fixed, although I am still in the process of refactoring all critical functions, so that the crash problem should be solved eventually.


Hi Mario,

I recovered the ipad completly and now the game works well. So it was probably a device-related problem.

Thank you for your always helping hand.

Greets Don