Dex bug boots of speed on leveling (DONE) - ID: 1087
FORUM: Bug Reports
This topic was started by ez1 on 21/04/2013, 00:07:48
Ez - could you have had apples equipped? That would explain a temporary 10 point bump.
Are you supposed to be teleported somewhere?
Yes, one step back.
Ok... I got blasted into space too. Had to teleport out.
MY DC had 40 dex (55 with boots of speed), leveled wearing boots of speed a few times, and dex jumped to 50 (65 with boots of speed) without any dex gain messages.
Also, not sure if this is a bug, but I ran into the guy with the apples in silver mountain after delivering the apples to the other mage, and he shot me out into space/air way north of the map, which was also sort of above the existing map and I could not get out of it without using a recall of arsyth. I can describe it more if this is not expected behavior. Not sure what the point of it was if its not a bug, after 40 minutes of roaming around I gave up on it.
I will look into the dex bug, sorry for this.
Yes, the teleport from the apple guy is bugged, just discovered it today - it will be fixed in the upcoming update.
Kind regards
The dex fixed itself as soon as I entered my first battle...maybe it was a spell effect I did not notice.