Cannot level up or save - ID: 1649

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by rakenan on 12/11/2020, 22:24:22

OK, I was doing some grinding in the Old Bonehouse, all my characters were ready to level up so I recalled to Cranborough outside the review board. It was daylight, I tried to go in, it just kicked me back out with no message. I tried to save in a new slot to see if anything changed, the save option is white (ie not available). Now I'm stuck. I can't save, I don't want to keep playing in a state where I might lose my progress at any time, and I'm not sure what progress I may have made since my last save. It's only one in-game day, and I think it was right before I started my grinding, so probably not much, but I'd rather not lose anything.

Is this a known problem, and is there a way to solve it?

Try to shut down the game and restart it.
If that doesn’t solve it send me your save game via the settings/help screen.

Kind regards

Quote from Author: icetear

Try to shut down the game and restart it.
If that doesn’t solve it send me your save game via the settings/help screen.

Kind regards

That worked. I figured that it would force me to reload my last hard save, but nope, just continued from where I was before, only I could save the game.

I thought I was pretty out of luck when going to the camp didn't help. Thanks for the quick reply!

I’ve had to rely on the auto-save many times! The game glitches every now and then for me but that seems to fix it all, I should probably have reported when so Icetear could look into it but once I figured out the game has an auto save of sorts (the first time scared me because I hadn’t saved in a long time and I thought I had to lose my progress), those little glitches (very few and far between) just wasn’t a big deal for me.