Can't get compendium back after re-install - ID: 374

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Jteeter on 20/01/2012, 17:11:41

I had to re-install Silversword (full version) after I finished the game and then upgraded to the latest release. It went smoothly and I want to play it from scratch with a totally different class mix. But when I go to help, it's the short version of the help document, and when I go to Shop the compendium isn't listed (presumably because I bought it a while back while playing through the first time).

Is there any way to get the compendium back in the game, or get a copy of it outside the game so I can access as desired? I'd even be wililng to re-buy it to support the developer - this game totally rocks and having paid less than $10 for the game and the compendium was an outstanding value.

The update 2.0.5 should fix that glitch. It seems slightly overdue from apple's side, perhaps today?

BTW <URL url=""></URL> are about the best ipad instructions i have come across anywhere. I found having the pdf for the manual separate from the game and your save files effectively increased from 5 is a welcome stress reducer.

Thanks - I look forward to the update when apple finally gets to it.

Hello Joshua,

if you don't want to wait, send me (<EMAIL email=""></EMAIL>) your iTunes receipt and I will send you the compendium as a PDF. At least you can read it outside of the game then.

When the new update is out, you can simply rebuy it - the iTunes store won't charge you again. Then it is available from within the game again.
