Burial Mound Guardian - ID: 450

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Highflyer on 10/02/2012, 22:05:26

Sorry, Mario. I looked thru the first 3 pages and didn't see this one.
When confronting the last guardian (1st level - burial mound), I'm getting the alert of the dead guardian coming to life, but when I "continue" (to fight him) nothing happens.
I can keep getting the message but no one to fight.
Thanks for the fun game.

Hello Highflyer,

you might want to send me your save game so that I can check this out.

Thank you very much

I went back and 3rd time seems to be a charm.
I had the same results twice, but just for kicks I tried a third time before sending it to you... it worked.
Sorry for the troubles.