Brother Rectus - Divine Shell - ID: 216

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by calmrider on 20/12/2011, 23:57:08

Hi Mario, I've got all four shards and the divine shell, but no sign of brother Rectus when I return to the secret shrine in the sewers. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

how did you leave the temple where you got the shell?
travel to beacon or by normal means?
leaving the temple should have triggered the next step of the quest.

Ok, I think I know the problem. I bought the divine shell in the lite version, so already had it in my inventory. Guess I need to buy another one. Thanks

Quote from Author: calmrider
Ok, I think I know the problem. I bought the divine shell in the lite version, so already had it in my inventory. Guess I need to buy another one. Thanks

Sorry for that ;-) I looked it up... it is indeed triggered by buying the shell.
Now here's the bill for playing too much in the light version *kidding* :-D


Hmmm, that still didn't work...

Can you enter the chamber with the entrance to the hidden temple (where Brother Rectus was) normally?
If yes, you need to send me your savegame.


Ok, I went back to the sewers and found dead brother Rectus and then managed to get the silversword, but am now stuck in the inferno...

Good luck with that one. I tested it and it worked ok.

Congratulations on your progress!


You are in Inferno already :shock:


-Theodor Keppler

Are there any hints listed when you reach the Inferno? I probably pushed through and missed them.

I've found the secret area to the south and the section with all the transports back to the centre. Knocked against every wall I can find and still have no idea.


Spoiler alert

There is one field in the south-east where you are NOT teleported back. You have to find it.

Thought I tried them all. I'll go again. Feel free to delete the posts.

I made it almost to the end of the inferno but am too weak for the later battles. I've now levelled up more, but can't get back to the inferno...not sure what's wrong...

Hello Calmrider,

you should be able to enter the room in the sewers again (where you got the sword and been teleported to inferno).
In the room, you should be teleported.

Please tell me which part does not work.


Managed to do it, thanks Mario