Racial Bonuses - ID: 1564

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FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by chrlpolk on 19/02/2019, 16:25:21

Racial bonuses don't work. Example, Dwarf Paladin reads "Armsmaster (+0 toHit with melee weapons), Resilient (-0 SV)"

This is the case with all races (except humans). This is on both premade and new characters. This is on every game mode.

I've compared the "Combat Stats" screen of new created Dwarf warrior and Human warrior with same stats, and the Dwarf does not have an advantage.

Silversword (2.71), prefer Modern play
iOS: 12.1.4 (iPhone XS)

Same results on an older iPhone 5 iOS 10.3.3


on levels 1 to 4, the racial bonus is 0. That's by design.
You will get a +1 for each 5 levels, as shown on the screen during Character creation.

This might be a bit confusing when playing with the default party, sorry for that.

kind regards

Thank you for the quick reply! I did notice that on the Character Creation screen but kept the assumption that they would be initially granted on 1st level and increased thereafter. Years of old D&D mentality, I guess! My bad, and thank you for the clarification!