Maze drawing geometry - ID: 1460

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FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Visstar on 23/11/2016, 21:35:23

Hi there,

yes, this is a bug and not an easy one to fix. I was hoping to get away with it...


kind regards

Quote from Author: icetear
yes, this is a bug and not an easy one to fix. I was hoping to get away with it...

I was afraid that the maze drawing math would be difficult to fix. Oh, well, it's mainly lava that causes the. Problem, so I guess the solution is...

Less lava! 8-)

BTW this really is a quibble. It's an amazing feat of programming and a very clever game design. All of my complaints about the game are really the result of me rushing through it rather than "farming" various areas like the Bandit's Cave first! Even though I cheated a bit at times, I enjoyed the heck out of it and love the fact that there are still areas to explore and things to do after defeating Maruziel. I gave it five stars on the App Store.

This is a minor quirk, hardly worth mentioning, but I'll mention it anyway. 8-)

In numerous areas of the maze, what's behind a wall will "leak" through the wall and be visible. The attachment is from Horon's Sanctum, but the effect is quite noticeable in areas like the Dragon Tower, where you can see lava all along the bottom of some walls.

Thank you very much :-)
It's great to have you on board!

I just scanned through the forums to find a post that states my opinion on certain things.
You might find that interesting to read, although it's not about lava ;-)

<URL url=""><LINK_TEXT text=" ... 5455#p5455"></LINK_TEXT></URL>

Enjoy (or not) :-)
kind regards

Quote from Author: icetear
I just scanned through the forums to find a post that states my opinion on certain things.
You might find that interesting to read, although it's not about lava ;-)

Interesting indeed, and I do agree with you on most of your comments. I feel a little weird hitting "Run" when I'm confronted by an asp or some liberators, but they're just not worth the time. But the encounter makes sense -- as I see it, the land is corrupted by Astralyte, and the source of the corruption is somewhere in the east, with the epicenter in Annsharbour. That means the further you get from Annsharbour, the less that evil has touched the land and the lower level the bad guys will be. That explains why beginning adventurers start off in Castle Cranbourgh: the ones who start elsewhere are overwhelmed and die young, while the ones who make it to Cranbourgh find relative safety and the last remnants of the island's army who set them on the right path. I see no reason for the "lay of the l;and" to change just because my team has gotten more experienced.