Keyboard shortcut - ID: 1165

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FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Glpragma on 16/05/2013, 23:05:47

Last version (2.32) has a shortcut bug: in melee, mutiple attack ( A:.... B:..... )
neither upper nor lowercase shortcuts seem to work.



thank you for reporting this. I will look into this!
Sorry for any inconvenience :-(

Kind regards

Another little bug:

if you are in melee, using a bow, and you type 'r' as RELOAD...nothing happens.

On the last screen of selling an item the "Yes, sell it" can't be selected via keyboard at the moment, neither with "y" nor "Y".

Haven't yet found a way to select "Repeat commands" as "r" is already taken by "Run".


I just had an encounter with a "Unjustly Buried" (a hooded man leaning over a sarcophagus) in the Forgotten Crypt. There was s short story and a "Continue" button below. To continue I had to press "x" (not "c" as expected).


At a treasure chest none of the keyboard keys seem to activate any of "Force Open", "Pick Lock", "Use Item" or "Cast TRZP".

Mario, do you know/remember all these missing shortcuts or would you like me to continue pointing them out?

Hi Napkin,

the keyboard implementation is far from complete, it was merely a small test balloon for someone who asked for it.
But I will put more work in it as soon as possible.
You don't need to report further missing shortcuts, thank you :-)

Kind regards