2.1.19 for old Arch Mages - ID: 959

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FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by wizardz on 01/12/2012, 01:28:50

In 2.1.19 my Level 78 Arch Mages have about 225,027,442 XP and the game in 2.1.19 says they need 55,200,000 for the next level. When I level them up to level 79, the same amount is needed for the next level: 55,200,000. These Arch Mages were leveling up properly under 2.1.18.

All of my non-casters now seem to require either 50,600,000 for the level 155 Rouge, the level 113 Bard, the level 112 Hunter, the level 112 Paladin, and the level 108 Warrior, or 50,660,000 for the level 156 Monk. These numbers also seem a little odd. I cannot easily check if they change, because these characters all need about 20,000,000 to be eligible to level up.

Hi Craig,

this is not a bug, but a change that I think was necessary.
The XP needed for another level is now capped at about 50 Million.

I made this change so that other players who played as much as you won't run into the overflow issues that will occur when multiplying the needed XP by 1.07 every time.

Sorry for the confusion!
I will try to announce such changes in the future.
Best regards

Hi Mario--

It's certainly okay to cap XP for the next level. I guess the problem is that once you exceed that cap, the way it works now, you can then do infinite level ups.

I think that players continue to need to be able to get XP, but there needs to be a max level associated directly with that cap on XP needed for the next level.

Kind regards,

Hi Craig,

you are right, and this change did not reflect what I was meant to do indeed :-)

So for the next update, here is my proposal:

Actual: After Level 14, each level costs 200.000 - increasing by 7 % per level afterwards.
This value will increase until it reaches a certain amount - and I want to cap that amount to 20,000,000.

You will then be able to level further, but each level will require 20 Mio. XP.
Should be fine with the expansion, you will still be able to level slowly - but it should prevent any overflow issues (as long as you don't hit the 2.4 billion mark).

Are you ok with that?

EDIT: Actually I am trying to resolve this by rewriting some code so that I won't run into any overflow issues.

Hi Mario--

First, I am fine with however you want to design and program your game. You've done a great job of balancing it. And you are fantastic at listening to and filtering what your players say. We don't say it often enough: THANKS!

Your proposal sounds good to me. 20mio for the changeover seems reasonable. I doubt that many players will hit the 2.4bio wall on a single character unless the expansions are wonderfully challenging and rewarding. Do you know if the Game Center can handle multiple characters over 2.4bio in the total?

I look forward to 2.1.20...

Best regards,