Breaking the Inventory Limits - ID: 649

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FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Mejilan on 10/05/2012, 01:04:11

Wow, am I ever hesitant about reporting this one, since it's so darn handy.
But I couldn't help but notice that it isn't particularly difficult to break the game's limits on inventory.

Scenario 1 (mostly harmless):
Character A's inventory is FULL. Defeated enemies drop item. Item gets arbitrarily assigned to Character A. Game allows Character A to pick up item, breaking her limit.

Scenario 2 (serious exploit):
I wander over to the Deeper Forest's weapons shop and load up on as many sniper arrows as my characters can collectively carry. I mosey on over to the Savage Crossing's bank and drop off DOZENS of sniper arrow quivers (60 arrows a pop!). Making sure that my hunter has room for at least one more item in his inventory, I assign him to withdraw a quiver of sniper arrows. So long as I do not exit this withdraw screen, I may continue to withdraw every item yet stashed with the bank. Long story, short? My hunter is carrying upwards of 30 (or so) x60 arrows currently. My bard, roughly 15 elemental horns. This, on top of fully kitted out equipment.

Bonus: Scenarios 1 & 2 can be combined.

So much fun. I would not be too disappointed if this shifted over from 'bug' to 'feature!'
Both are easily reproduced in at least versions 2.09 & 2.10 of the game.


Hello Mejilan,

thank you for "reporting" this ;-)
I know some more ways of exploiting the game and stretching its limits, they are there and if anybody is lucky enough to find them - it's ok for me. As long as these exploits don't affect the whole game feeling, i am in no hurry to fix these things. Bard's Tale was hellish enough even with the gold dupe exploit ;-)


Yes! Feature, it is then!  :)