Update 2.04 - ID: 347

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FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Nimue on 13/01/2012, 09:20:52

Thanks for the update, the new "Move to Position" command is definitely helpful in combat! Unfortunately, changing the party order outside combat lo longer seems to work. Tapping a character now only displays a context menu, but dragging and dropping to the new position in the roster is not possible.

Also, I'm not quite sure I like the new "buttons instead of text fields" interface, but that's just a matter of personal taste. The "Charge!" command is an improvement, and I'm glad to see that the "Repeat commands" option is still there (I know you were thinking about removing it, but IMO it is not made obsolete by "Charge!", I regularly use both of them).

Another question: is there a reason why humans and elves cannot be Rogues? My old party (created with the Lite version) had an Elf Rogue, but when I created a new party after winning the game, I noticed that the only races available for Rogues are Hobbits, Gnomes, High-Men and, strangely, Dwarves. I admit that I have a hard time imagining a Dwarven Rogue, whereas an Elven one seems much more plausible :)

Hi Nimue,

changing position can be done, but you have to drag the character slot a litte bit to the left or the right.
I will make that clearer with the next update.

There is no obvious reason for humans and elves not going into that shady business.
A more subtle one (at least for the elves) is that the mentality of an elf doesn't permit such a profession.

As for the humans... the last guildmaster of the Comkarthian guild of thieves had made a deal (it's all about money) with the dwarves... you know where that ended.

ok, no kidding: I can imagine opening the races to more classes in the future.


Thanks for the clarification about changing positions, now I feel slightly stupid :)

As for the Rogues: if Elves don't have the required mindset for the profession that makes sense, only in this case I don't understand why the oh-so-refined and civilised High-Men should have it ;) Anyway, thanks for thinking about it!

Quote from Author: Nimue
in this case I don't understand why the oh-so-refined and civilised High-Men should have it

this discussion goes into politics now :-P
Sssh don't let the Comkarthian Council hear ye...

Quote from Author: icetear

this discussion goes into politics now :-P

Sssh don't let the Comkarthian Council hear ye...

Okay, I'll shut up before they send someone after me ;) I guess employing "specialists" to resolve problems is more refined and civilised than using simple brute force...