Bow and arrows not working - ID: 112

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FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Ehcapa on 13/10/2011, 08:34:13

I keep getting the "no ammo" comment every time I am in a fight. I have my short bow equipped and arrows equipped. Have also tried elven arrows and still I missing something here? Worked fine before this recent update.

Hello Ehcapa,

yes, sorry for that. Because we had a major item update, the bow now causes problems. You have to sell your bow, and buy a new one - this will fix it (the new bows "recognize" their ammo better). I am very sorry for these little inconveniences, but some changes are necessary to make the full version the game we want it to be.

I hope you are enjoying it nonetheless,
thank you for your support!


Hmm... are you sure this only affects "legacy weapons" from previous versions? Because I just ran into the exact same issue with a Bronze Longbow I found after installing the update.

Nope that did not work. I sold everything range related. Short bow, compositbow, arrows and bought all new items from shop in ruins. Then went for a test run. I got the same message, no ammo. Maybe there is a glitch in the update. I even went as far as to make a whole new character and still doesn't work. :o

I will look into this asap!

You are right, I found the problem.

Very sorry again for this. You will have to wait till the next update, which should be ready within the next two weeks I think.
