Update 1.7 - ID: 56

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FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by dave_biggler on 08/09/2011, 21:27:41


I Found a ?armor, Went to the Shop and identified the armor As a silverruned shawl. But then I have it two Times in my inventory. When i choose equip, both entries where (e).

I traded it to another Charakter and swups it was One item. But a Fee steps Late the Game crashed.

I will go on to explore the New Version...


Hello Dave,

thank you for the bug report! I will investigate this issue.


I finally got around to having a closer look at the latest update. A few notes:

  • Overall stability seems improved again. I still had a few crashes, but far less than with 1.6.
  • I have twice run into the "overlay image" bug that has been mentioned elsewhere. Both times the game crashed immediately after the overlay had appeared.
  • Thank you for the "Reload" combat option! :) I've only noticed two minor issues with it: One, if a character tries to reload, but doesn't have the appropriate ammo in his/her inventory, the message is "Nimue reloads (null)". Not really a problem, just not very pretty. Two, at one point I got the wrong message when my character ran out of arrows during combat. Instead of "Nimue shoots at Forest Rat, but has no ammo" I got "...but is out of range". Again, not a big problem, just slightly misleading.

  • Hello Nimue,

    thanks for your input!

    The overlay problem is still on my ToDo-List.
    The Reload problem has been fixed and will be in the next update.


    Thanks :) You're really doing a great job with this game.

    One more little point I forgot to mention in my previous post: In the crypt, opening the map seems to take exceptionally long. In every other area, the map opens as soon as I tap the button, only in the crypt it takes a few seconds. I'm not sure why this is, the crypt isn't such a large dungeon after all, but it's noticeable, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that in the earlier versions.

    Hello again,

    I will look into this, thank you :-)


    Not all of this might be considered bugs per se, it's just stuff I noted while playing.

    1. The trouble with traps: disarming a trapped chest seems to be merely a matter of patience, since you can keep trying until you disarm the trap. Wouldn't it make more sense to let each character try once, with a chance that the trap goes off it the disarm attempt fails badly enough? Also, if there is no trap present, the disarming character should tell you so if the disarm roll was successful.

    2. Some armor items do not seem to do anything, notably leather armour, leather caps, leather gloves, cuir boilli armour, bronzeruned heavy chainmail, etc. Some do not display any stat when selected in your inventory, some display a stat of "SV: 1". None of those items do anything for your AC which makes them a bit useless as armor. :)

    I have to agree with the map taking a long long time in the crypt... i even tested my ipad to make sure my daughter hadnt screwed the touch screen up..

    Not that i like finding bugs, but glad someone else is having this problem.. ive just recently updated my ipad and hoped it wasnt just me..


    Having explored more of the world since the update.. the slow map thing seems to be inside any dungeon.. confirmed is Crypt, Goblins Tunnels and the "n00b" dungeon and deeper tunnels..

    Just takes ages to open the map after pressing the button... no other controls seem to have time delays on them.

    "Hey Denekar why you always go into slow motion when i ask you to get the map out?"

    Quote from Author: Hagen
    Not all of this might be considered bugs per se, it's just stuff I noted while playing.

    1. The trouble with traps: disarming a trapped chest seems to be merely a matter of patience, since you can keep trying until you disarm the trap. Wouldn't it make more sense to let each character try once, with a chance that the trap goes off it the disarm attempt fails badly enough? Also, if there is no trap present, the disarming character should tell you so if the disarm roll was successful.

    2. Some armor items do not seem to do anything, notably leather armour, leather caps, leather gloves, cuir boilli armour, bronzeruned heavy chainmail, etc. Some do not display any stat when selected in your inventory, some display a stat of "SV: 1". None of those items do anything for your AC which makes them a bit useless as armor. :)

    Hello Hagen,

    thank you very much for your input.
    1. The disarm skill was bugged. This will be fixed in the next update. In addition, we plan on implementing another way of Pick/Disarm, so that it is a bit more entertaining.

    2. This is due to an old save game being imported in a new version. The responsible update script is fixed now and will go live in the next version as well. SV stands for Saving Value and is a bonus to your magical resistance, which is checked when foes fire spells at you.


    Quote from Author: Nimue
    Thanks :) You're really doing a great job with this game.

    One more little point I forgot to mention in my previous post: In the crypt, opening the map seems to take exceptionally long. In every other area, the map opens as soon as I tap the button, only in the crypt it takes a few seconds. I'm not sure why this is, the crypt isn't such a large dungeon after all, but it's noticeable, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that in the earlier versions.

    Hi Nimue,

    The map loading routine needs some tweaking, I agree. I will look into this, and plan on implementing an indication / loading message once you touched the symbol.



    I was attacking two Groups of wargs. When I want to use repeate comands, I have to Enter every attack once again. Only the defendes where correct. I have Found this Bug several Times in the watchtower.

    Second Point is, that I also have a Delay while loading the Map in the watchtower. It seems to take very long to load the Map.

    Third is, that sometimes when I Look in the inventory of the Charakters and Switch bereden them, that the screen was locked. I can't Save the Game any more, can't Move, Open Map, cast spells. Only the movemtentarrows can Be replaced. This bug Comestibles Quite often. But I can't Jet find a certain Rule.

    My con and my mag only have two Level 3 spells. In the Manual are 3 spells for Level 3. Is this a Bug or a Feature of the Lite Version?


    ... by the Way - I like the Game! :D

    And when you Need help in Testung it, I am with you.

    And with 135000 exp I want the Next Level for my Crew. Please ... :P

    Quote from Author: dave_biggler
    My con and my mag only have two Level 3 spells. In the Manual are 3 spells for Level 3. Is this a Bug or a Feature of the Lite Version?

    No, this is merely a bug than a feature :-)
    The spells are not complete yet, but I added the two missing ones to the next update. They will be scribed in the spellbook of your Conjurer/Magician upon loading a savegame.


    Quote from Author: dave_biggler
    I was attacking two Groups of wargs. When I want to use repeate comands, I have to Enter every attack once again. Only the defendes where correct. I have Found this Bug several Times in the watchtower.

    Yes, the game is confused once one foe group of an encounter is killed. This issue is on my ToDo list, sorry for that.

    <QUOTE>[quote]Second Point is, that I also have a Delay while loading the Map in the watchtower. It seems to take very long to load the Map.

    The map loading performance should be better with the next update.

    <QUOTE>[quote]Third is, that sometimes when I Look in the inventory of the Charakters and Switch bereden them, that the screen was locked. I can't Save the Game any more, can't Move, Open Map, cast spells. Only the movemtentarrows can Be replaced. This bug Comestibles Quite often. But I can't Jet find a certain Rule.

    I will try to reconstruct this problem. Until that, switching out and in the game again should do the trick.

    Thank you very much for your feedback, Dave!



    I was fighting a little bit with bow and arrows. When my rogue is out of ammo, I get the message "... out of range". When my hunter is out of ammo, it was correctly shown in the message.

    Next point is the reloading. Whois choosing the commands per each character, the hunter gets automaticaly reload, the rogue still got attack in first position and reload in second.

    And it would be nice, when repeat commands automatically stops, when a character has no ammo.


    Hi Dave,

    Sorry for any inconvenience. The Reload will work satisfactory with the next update.
    Repeating the attack command with bow will then do...

    - automatically reload if arrows are available
    - attack again after reloading



    thanks for quick answer and please don't appologise for the bugs. After solving all the quests in the lite version, bug-hunting is the "last adventure" till the full version is ready.

    I'm Looking forward for the Next update - and of course for the full version.



    <QUOTE>[quote] dave_biggler wrote:
    Third is, that sometimes when I Look in the inventory of the Charakters and Switch bereden them, that the screen was locked. I can't Save the Game any more, can't Move, Open Map, cast spells. Only the movemtentarrows can Be replaced. This bug Comestibles Quite often. But I can't Jet find a certain Rule

    I have the same problem, when I open the inventory after a fight. When I walk one or two steps after the fight, no problems. The problem hold on until the next fight or 2x "iPad home button" and reopen silversword. This mainly happens in the dungeons.

    An other thing: sometimes after a fight by treasure, my party has found a weapon, I became the message the character "(null)" has found weapon xy. Which character is (null). None of my members has this weapon in the inventory. This happens to me 4 or 5 times.

    Never the less, a real good game. I played the bard's Tale 1-3 (4) over 20 years ago. I feel like coming home. Thanks a lot.
