App Store - ID: 1259

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FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Shado006 on 07/02/2014, 18:28:11

I have read a few other posts about logging in and out of iTunes and closing the app down and so on... Whatever I do I get the same result. When I goto the store it just says loading, I let it sit there for 5 to 10 min. I have a iPad Air iOS7 is upto date on patches.

Help, I want to support this app and buy stuff =)) :D

Very strange,

I will look into this.
Sorry for the inconvenience :-(

Kind regards

Thought I would get around the bug by getting the items via. My iPhone. I bought the items but my iPad still doesn't have the stuff. One easy thing to check was when I increased the bank slots, it's on the phone but not on the pad. Any ideas? Should I do a restore purchase option or wait for them to sync up. I also bought gold but it's not in the bank and it doesn't say purchased, I'm sorry new at this.

You have a great game I play it more than my PC games. I have over $150.00 of games from steam during the Christmas sale and I haven't even loaded half of them LOL

Amazing game and lots of activity here.

The one-time items (aka "consumables") like gold are tied to your saved game. You can only transfer them by transferring the save game file from one device to the other. Either through using the iCloud Save Slot - or via iTunes App Sharing.

The other store items are permanent enhancements to the game, you can unlock them via Restore Purchases.

Kind regards

P.S. Every purchase should create a confirmation alert which will tell you that the item is now accessible.
If you purchase Gold, an item is placed in your first characters inventory ( like "Bag of xxxx gold"). To claim the money, "USE" the item from the main screen. It will then be added to your gold pool.
If you don't get a confirmation alert, the purchase was not successful. In this case, I can only promise to investigate why some purchases don't seem to work.

The new patch from Apple has fixed this issue for me, I can now access the App Store :P