2.08 crashing - ID: 538

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FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Dread on 16/03/2012, 21:30:14


I downloaded the update and now the game is crashing about once a minute on my 4s running 5.0.1. It almost always crashes on the character screens, crashed on the "enter dungeon" screen, and often crashes on exiting combat.

Unplayable right now, any help is appreciated as I'm loving the game.




I can play silversword and have no Problems. I've updated my iPad iOS to 5.1.

I updated to 5.1 and it is still crashing.

Update: I tried an old save file, and that one is stable. I'm guessing that save game was corrupted somehow.

Second update: Maybe the crashing is area dependent? In the Castle Cranbourgh area it doesn't seem to have problems, but if I enter the Mountain Ridge area it becomes unstable.

Hm very strange - can you provide me your savegame perhaps?


Found the problem!

It is a problem with a soundfile, this occured after updating my development suite and was going unnoticed in the release.
I am very sorry to say that you will have to wait until the next update, which I just sent to Apple.

Should go live within the next days
Very sorry for this :-(


P.S. One small workaround: enter the zone(s) during nighttime, then the sound bug shouldn't occur!

Ever since the update, my game crashes every minute or so, especially at the end of battles. I am using a 3gs. I see there is a coming update to fix it. Thanks for the quick reaction. I love this game. I especially like the little extras, like the Exodus plug from the old Lord British games. Keep up the good work.