All savegames gone - ID: 397

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FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Nimue on 26/01/2012, 07:33:04

While playing, I suddenly noticed that the scrolling speed during combat decreased a lot. Upon checking the Settings, I found that not only had all settings reverted to default, but all five savegame slots were empty. Fortunately, I made backups via iTunes at irregular intervals, or my previous party, of which I still kept a save, would be gone forever.

This is the first time I've had this happen, has anyone else been affected?

Hi Nimue,

sorry to hear that. You describe the effects of completely un-/reinstalling the game. There is no mechanism in Silversword to delete your saved game list or to remove the save game files, so I can nearly eliminate the possibility of a program bug.
Perhaps a search for "empty document directory in ios app" might help tracking this down. If you want me to help you with this, just send me a message.


Okay, thanks, I'll do that. It happened in the middle of a fight, so no uninstall/reinstall... very mysterious.

Hi Nimue

I also experienced something similar with another app on IOS a while back.

It was due to a space problem, there was no space left on my device, and IOS decided to remove data from my current application.

Maybe you are a little short on space on your device ?

You mean the device decides to delete data without asking the user?! Figures. Anyway, thanks for the hint, but that can't have been the problem because a) there were still 4 GB left and b) it turned out that the savegames weren't really gone, they had just become inaccessible for some reason. The Load Game screen showed five empty slots, but in iTunes the files were still visible.

If anyone else runs into the same problem: try checking the app directory via iTunes App Sharing. Saving the files to disk and then copying them back did the trick for me.

Good trick. Thanks for the update!