Getting stuck between areas - ID: 1047

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FORUM: Bug Reports

This topic was started by Imrannan on 20/03/2013, 18:50:21

I'm not sure if this will be addressed in the next update (which I can't wait for!) but occasionally I will get stuck between loading areas. What happens is if I hit forward too many times, it acts like lag and will continue forward after going through the loading screen. The problem comes when I am facing backwards and go back into a new area. After hitting back too many times (even if its only once) I end up going back into the new area, then going back again in the old area, and back again into the new area infinitely. The only way to fix it is to keep hitting the menu button until it opens, save it, and then load it. Idk if anyone else has the same problem or if its just me but that's the only way I've been able to fix it. Or just don't back into a loading screen.

I have been backing into an area that says "please wait" hundreds of times in the last weeks and am not seeing this. Are you not waiting but hitting back or forward while "please wait" is on the screen? Or can you give a step by step description of what you are doing when it happens ?