Young dragon disappears from group - ID: 1167

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Mavestyn on 17/05/2013, 02:42:34

If I save the game and come back later, my young dragon that joined my group disappears. Do I have to pick him up and go straight to the planes??? Once you enter the planes with the dragon in your party, does he have to be present every time you want to renter the planes?

Once you get into the Planes, you can ditch him.

Where can I find the young dragon that should join my party? Or is it the draconcaller-spell "summon young dragon"?

It's the egg you recover from the Ridge Fault. You have to enter the dragon tower from Ridge Fault.


There must be a misunderstanding. I found the egg already in the original version and placed it i am looking for the young dragon in order to get in the Gate of planes. What do i have to do?

You can pick up the baby dragon in the craddle in the tower as often as you want to. It disappears when you use the roadwarden service or when you enter an inn (such as at savage crossing). Also, it can turn hostil so best have your dragoncaller use the loyalty spell on him.

Best thing to do is to pick it up in the tower, then walk to crystal sea and enter the planes. After that I did not need it anymore.

Good luck and lot's of fun.

I want to make sure I understand this before I proceed. My party currently has the baby dragon, so I was able to enter the "GATE TO PLANES". If I leave via one of the area-specific teleporters, the baby dragon will disappear from my group. If I do this and go get my 7th character back, will I still have access to the "GATE TO PLANES"?

- Corey

Quote from Author: gamerdork
I want to make sure I understand this before I proceed. My party currently has the baby dragon, so I was able to enter the "GATE TO PLANES". If I leave via one of the area-specific teleporters, the baby dragon will disappear from my group. If I do this and go get my 7th character back, will I still have access to the "GATE TO PLANES"?


- Corey

Once you get to the planes, the game should recognize that you have been granted access. So you don't need the baby dragon anymore.

Kind regards