You probably get tons of these posts...but..thanks - ID: 717

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Teaweasel on 05/08/2012, 20:24:13

Yeah. Just thanks.

This game is emotionally, creatively and incredibly fulfilling.

I haven't delved thru the world yet, only play a bit when I can my characters are only like lvl 8-9 or so... But man I just felt the need to come to the forums and say something. Because it's truly rare, as a MMORPG enthusiast, a RPG-enthusiast, to really find a game that connects so deeply to your earliest memories of rpg play.

Thanks for all yer hardworking. Including the breaks you take to reward yourself.


Hello Tea,

I am very happy to hear that you enjoy the game! Thank you very much!
I just had to fill that gap in the App Store ;-)

It's really nice to see that there are still some old-school players out there who appreciate this piece of nostalgia.

Kind regards