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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Noodle on 23/04/2013, 04:50:51

Coastlands are outdoors. I've read that dungeon encounters have more frequent drops. Try inferno to increase drop rate without changing item quality. Also, according to Mario, because the full item list is pretty restricted in the earliest dungeons the percentage of gem drops would be higher. Of course, the rest of the gear would be useless and personally I would get bored quickly grinding a lvl1 dungeon...

It could still take a couple of hours though as it is completely random what a drop will be.

So, I played this game a year ago. Had a blast. Beat Mazuriel.. Maruziel.. the end guy. Posted a recap somewhere in these forums.

Then I saw there was an expansion! Fantastic! Bought it, and realized I needed 10 diamonds and rubies. So off I went to grind in the Coast Lands. But first, I converted my worthless Monk to a Dragoncaller. (And saw that my lvl 41 paladin/bard/rogue needed to get from 8 million to 16 million xp to level... I think I saw some update somewhere that rebalanced xp requirements. Anyway.) So, grind grind, grind grind, and I figured I might as well roll with 7 PCs, so I added a new guy and now he's an archmage, 744 hp, 967 spell points, all that jazz... and I can't turn him into a second Dragoncaller.

Paladin: ineligible
Bard: eligible
Archmages (three): ineligible
Rogue: eligible

So, my questions - can only certain classes become a DC? Is there some other requirement? And good god, I've gotten over 14,000,000 xp in the Coast Lands and found only three rubies/diamonds.

Most of this is kind of covered in other places on the board recently, but only non-casters (characters with no spell points) can convert to a dragoncaller, and they must be level 20+.

The rubies is annoying, but it seems if you cycle through low level areas, like near the newbie castle, you will come across them at a higher rate. If you really cannot get the rubies, Mario might have mercy on you and send you some if you send him your save game. I did this, but subsequently accumulated 9 rubies and 9 diamonds just trying to find random other things. The coast lands and inferno can pop them, but the rates there, likely because of number of enemies at a time, seems to be lower.

Oh FYI, its 10 rubies or 5 diamonds ( which can be traded for 10 rubies in the dwarven mines) .