Wizardry - ID: 434

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by November on 06/02/2012, 06:06:04

I'm playing a 2nd time through and I just got the two Wizardry references. Awesome, Mario!

This game is wizardry I love it. Only thing is we need ninjas and samurai. We could also use some of those great wizardry weapons like Excalibur and blade cuisinart

Hunter is a non spell casting version of the ninja.

There is a class from bards tale 3 that would fit in as a samuri if the programmer chooses to in a futer up date.

In Wizardry a ninja was a thief first nd on use of the thieves dagger turned into a ninja. He was much more powerful than the hunter here. Wizardry had its own ranger. Game parallels Wizardry. Mario please add some nasty vampires in your sequel.