What to do with diamonds and rubies - ID: 1050

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by SonnBoy99 on 22/03/2013, 18:26:10

Are there any function to these gems besides selling them for money?

The rubies can be traded for diamonds in the dwarven stronghold, and the diamonds can the be traded for silver runes at another place in the dwarven stronghold

And they will be useful in the expansion. ;)

Quote from Author: ez1
The rubies can be traded for diamonds in the dwarven stronghold, and the diamonds can the be traded for silver runes at another place in the dwarven stronghold

Where is the place to trade for silver runes? I've searched the whole place and only found where to trade for diamonds/rubies.

Out the door at the SW corner of the 7 dwarves' bedroom, out the SE corner of that room and down that coridor to another room. This is probably only available in the expansion.

No it's in the regular version.

Awww crap...where is the best place to get rubies and diamonds? All this waiting and I only have a diamond and a ruby!

You can get them both as random drops in the Inferno, the Dwarven Mountains and throughout the Dragon Lands. I think I remember also finding some diamonds in the Ridge Fault, perhaps in fixed spots, but not regenerating.


in the play test you could get into the Dragonlands from the Dwarven Mines.

Quote from Author: ez1
Awww crap...where is the best place to get rubies and diamonds? All this waiting and I only have a diamond and a ruby!

These two things sum up to some frustration I guess - please don't give up!
Before you remove the game, I will give you the rubies for free ;-)

I noticed the same thing with my original party that had completed the game a while back so I restarted with a new party last week. Prior to finishing inferno, I had collected 30 odd of each and around 10 of the i would assume most of the basic alchemy ingredients.

I thought finding rubies and diamonds really easy with the latest complete run through as i was getting around 2 or 3 of them in each area without too much grinding.

Though I will admit the expansion area was very tough...run into what i thought would be an easy fight, 20 creepers and 10 elder creepers. Boy was i wrong...with the exception of my warrior, the rest of my melee guys were either missing or hitting for under 10 points of damage. It ended up taking 10 or so cast of sodar wrath from 2 arch to take them down....so plenty of xp for my master thief skill :) since the fight lasted so long.

Mario, love this new skill at high level....great to start a fight with a hidden thief at 80'. Can't wait to max out this new skill for the thief.

Can I have rubies for free too? :D

Quote from Author: Amalasuntha
Can I have rubies for free too? :D

Only if you prove that you tried very hard to get them by yourself ;-)

It's okay - I've just realised I have 6 diamonds, so with my 4 rubies, I'll get to 10. Just trying to remember where I can swap them over.

Quote from Author: Amalasuntha
It's okay - I've just realised I have 6 diamonds, so with my 4 rubies, I'll get to 10. Just trying to remember where I can swap them over.

There's a guy in NW area of the Dwarven Stronghold that let's you trade your diamonds for rubies.

Hello Icetear, and fellow adventurers.

I just started back up again now that the new expansion is out. I read all the forum postings and have decided to change my hunter to a DC. (I think that was the best decision). Thanks to those that did all the research.

I now have an issue with the diamonds/rubies.

I recall picking them up when I was going through the game. But since I didn't see any use for them, I decided to sell them... I have since gone through Horon's maze and cleared it out, as well as the Inferno a couple times and also cleared it out. yet no gems have been dropped.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Gwendor Irontoe

Try the coast lands and mountain ridge. I got a few from random drops.

Thanks. I'll give it a try.

Well, I spent the past couple hours searching through the costlands and then through the Ridge Fault, along with the dragon tower. I engaged every single encounter that came across my path. And although I enjoyed slashing them all to bits, not a single gem was dropped. I did this twice in CoastLands and twice in the Ridge Fault.

Could it be that these gems were only awarded once? And once I got them, I can't get them again?

Like I said, I sold them since I saw no need for them.... I guess I should've have known Mario would have some use for them.

Anyway, any other tips or clues would be appreciated.

Gwendor Irontoe

The gems are on a large list of possible loot items.
It's purely random when and where they drop.

Kind regards

Ok Thanks.

I'll continue to rock out in the Inferno, Ridge Fault, Hornon's Sanctum, and the Coast Lands.

I've been at it for several hours, clearing each area at least 3 times each. Not one drop of a gem. (I did get a Silver Rune though.)

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the xp these easy opponents are giving me, but the drops are few and far between.

Any idea on where I can find some gems?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Gwendor Irontoe

Thank you!

That helps!
I'll keep on keeping on!

To get more I just loop the Inferno before the lava squares and the ridge fault. It does take a lot of battles, though.

This issue with the rubies is frustrating. I do not want to start over, so I have been everywhere trying to find them. My first problem is finding a fight. I went though the entire Inferno area again and did not get attacked once. I have been back to the mines and the same thing, no fights.

I went back to the towns, took the ship to the Paradosa Plains and killed one vampire and got a diamond.

Is my party to high level for fights now? They are an average of 34?

I really want to get into the new areas. Between the Apple issue delay and now this, very frustrated.  :(

First make sure that you do NOT have the "Crusaders Path" spell active. This will prevent almost every fight. I recommend turning off the song Travellers Ditty as well.
Second, try to farm in the beginning low-level areas. The chance that rubies and diamonds are in the loot should be higher than in the high-level zones.

Kind regards

I followed what you said and am now in the new levels. Thanks