Walk through - ID: 742

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by wizardz on 25/09/2012, 16:26:42

Warning: THERE ARE LOTS OF SPOILERS IN THIS WALK THROUGH. I'll try to mark the significant ones.

Create new characters. Spend time doing this rerolling until you get stats that total 83 or more for each character. Also go for 18 CN for all your party members. And 18 IQ for casters (except Paladins who really only need about 30 SP to be effective). This can take a while, but makes the game easier to play later and allows you to maximize hit points and spell points faster when increasing levels. For me the best mix is
Dwarf Bard--I like to keep Song of Life active as much as possible--it seems to be stronger after you reach 100 and then 200 plays.
Dwarf Paladin--keep the blessing and shield spells active at all times once you can.
Hobbit Rogue--without one you will have to spend a lot of time trying to force open chests you find that will also damage your party when you force them.
Barbarian Hunter--his/her critical hit ability is important once it gets to 99.
2 Gnome Magicians--quick fix is important for heals in early play.
Gnome Conjurer--this spell set is also useful. The goal is to get the three magic users to level 1 Arch Mage. Another goal is to get everyone in the party to 950 hit points--the Rogue is the hardest one.
But don't stop with this seven.

Also roll up a Gnome Monk and a Barbarian Warrior. You'll have plenty of time to swap the fighters around while raising your casters to be accomplished Arch Mages. You may also want to run with smaller parties while raising your casters and perhaps rogue to get them to higher levels. Fewer team members means more XP each per battle. This also gives you a chance to use those statues or accept a wandering monster onto your team.

For me:
The Warrior deals serious damage at higher levels and gains hit points quickly, but the Hunter's critical hit and ranged weapon skill trumps the Warrior's damage.
The Monk is a great pack mule but but does not deal enough damage at end game levels. However, YMMV.

When choosing race, race characteristics only count if the class has that characteristic. An Elf Magician cannot use bows but does get the talent boost.

Walk through:
Buy the compendium from the Apple store. It is a useful reference and purchasing it supports future game development. The Contents entries are hyperlinks.
You can buy a bag of coins to help early spell purchases, but eventually you'll have plenty of gold. If you buy it, go to the use icon on the right side of the screen and use it to turn it into gold.

I take the stuff from the pre-rolled characters and then delete those characters.
Put your full party together and leave camp.
Go to the weapon shop (E of the camp) and sell the excess items, but keep the extra wine.
Explore the area inside the castle. By explore I mean try to walk into every square. You want to do this head on because there are a few places later in the game that only work when you face them and try to move forward into them, so it's a good habit to have.
Talk to Gwyddon (S of the camp).
Visit the armory (SW part of the castle) and have your first battle.
Visit the armory to get your reward.
Explore the area East of the castle.
Talk to the arms master.
Fight the sparring partner.
Talk to the arms master.
Equip the Bandits Brassard on one of your first four characters. You need this to leave the castle.
Visit the bank. Deposit the extra wine skin.

If you deposit the Bandits Brassard, you can get another one from the arms master.

Have your Paladin activate Blessing of Sodar if it isn't already.
Explore the area S of the castle.
Mark the area by the river which will heal you once every day and a half (NW corner of the area). By day and a half I mean after the Early Morning after 24 hours after you use it, which I guess is really somewhere between 25 and 47 hours.
Follow the road E exploring the area to the ruins.

Go to the NE corner and pass through the secret wall back to the castle.
Explore the area (go thru the door and the secret wall past it) S and E of the temple. Before you approach the fountain which will restore your spell points once every day and a half, cast the non-combat spells you want to raise your ability in (like Magic Flame) using your current remaining spell points.

When the characters are ready to go up a level go to the training hall.
Your primary goal is to get CN to 24 for all characters and IQ to 24 for spell casters. Each time a character goes up it gains a max new HP based on class plus CN-14 up to plus 10. A bard for example can get 16+CN-14. Spell casters gain up to a max based on class plus IQ minus 14 to a max bonus of 10. For example a Conjurer can gain 4+IQ-14.
Save outside the hall.
Enter the hall and train one character.
If you don't get a stat you are looking for and a good enough gain in HP and if applicable SP, reload from the save and try again. If the gain is acceptable leave the hall, save the game and repeat the process for the next character.
Once CN reaches 18 for a character that does not have CN as a primary stat, you need to raise non primary stats to 18 and primary stats to 25 before you can raise CN on up to 24. Same is true for IQ for spell casters.
For me an acceptable increase is the max minus 1 or the max. You can get most of your fighters to 950 HP by about level 40 if you settle for max minus 1 or better. If you accept any roll you reach 950 at about level 65. So you can spend time rerolling or fighting extra battles. The advantage of more battles is you get more chances for battle loot. You'll need to get your Rogue to about level 60 if you're taking it to the final battle. The first time you can change class for your spell casters after buying the spells for level 13. Change the Magician to a Conjurer and vice versa the first time you change. To get enough HP you should raise your spell casters to level 20 when they are Sorcerers. If you choose to raise them while they are Magicians or Conjurers, you need to raise them to level 35 to get the HP to 950 or more, but that will require about 2,860,000 more XP than raising Sorcerers to level 20.

Once all your characters reach level 2 by fighting the monsters above ground, head for the underground ruins called The Tunnels SW of the secret passage to the spell restoration fountain. Mark the traps and fixed encounters on your map--you'll want to return to The Tunnels and The deeper Tunnels many times to grind out points and gold and to collect better armor. You will want Better armor, weapons and items for your team including the stuff i found...Bark Figurine, Bronze Buckler, Bronze Compositbow, Bronze Mace, Bronze Rune, Bronze Heavy Chain Mail, Bronze Scale Helmet, Bronze Shortbow, Bronze Shortsword, Bronze Spear, Bronze Throwing Knife, Bronze Throwing Star, Chain Mail, Elven Arrows, Harmonic Gem, Healing Balm, Lightwand, Lockpick, Mandolin, Padded Cuir Bouilli Armor, Padded Leather Cap, Padded Tarasz Leather Shield, Padded Wooden Shield, Scale Gloves, Throwing Spear (I find these useless), Torch, Wineskin, Wooden Shield, Wool Mitre, Wool Robe.

In The deeper Tunnels you can find the Mysterious Herb which regenerates after 24 hours--but who needs more than one thief in their party? Once your party is strong enough you can reset the fixed "random" encounters by going up and down the ladder. This technique works anywhere you get the "Please wait" pop up. (Click the cast spell icon twice to activate the enter area question without moving.)

Once your party is strong enough (say around level 7 or higher) and has some nice equipment, explore the watch tower in the SW corner of the map. This is only a slightly harder level than The Tunnels. You won't need a light source here, but levitate is useful. Be sure to get the Tower Key from the chest on the second floor so you can use it to open the first door in the cellar. TRZP will unlock the other cell doors in the cellar. There is a secret wall in the SE cell. Mark the impassable locked door in the SE corner of the secret area of the cellar--you may want to return to it later (if you have a Dragon egg.)

In the Abandoned Tower you might find...Bark Figurine, Bronze Club, Bronze Compositbow, Bronze Crossbow, Bronze Deathstar, Bronze Longsword, Bronze Throwing Knife, Bronze Throwing Spear, Bronze Throwing Star, Bronze Tower Shield, Harmonic Gem, Healing Balm, Lamp, Lightwand, Lockpick, Mandolin, Padded Cuirass Bouilli Armor, Padded Leather Cap, Padded Leather Gloves, Padded Wooden Shield, Torch, Wool Gown, Wool Mitre, Wool Shawl, Wool Silken Gloves.

Once you get your spell casters to level 13 and buy them the level 7 spells, you can change their classes and move on to the Forgotten Crypt. This through the trees east and south of the hut with the hint to search the trees. Yes, you can do it sooner, but to be able to handle the path to the final battle you'll probably want all your characters to have at least 900 HP and a slow, balanced approach makes the interim battles more easily manageable. The traps in the Forgotten Crypt can be deadly for low level groups, however a level 13 Rogue will help your party avoid them without danger.

In the Forgotten Crypt you will find a Rusty Steel Bar in the second chest you come to down a passage to the left of the archway to the first chest which you will need later and you might find...Antidote, Bark Figurine, Bronze Battleaxe, Bronze Butterfly, Bronze Club, Bronze Crossbow, Bronze Dagger, Bronze Greatsword, Bronze Halberd, Bronze Javelin, Bronze Longbow, Bronze Mace, Bronze Mail Coif, Bronze Morningstar, Bronze Plate Gloves, Bronze Rune, Bronze Scale Gloves, Bronze Scale Helmet, Bronze Shortsword, Bronze Spear, Bronze Staff, Bronze Throwing Knife, Bronze Scale Mail, Bronze Throwing Star, Bronze Throwing Spear, Bronze Tower Shield, Bronze Warhammer, Elf Cloak, Evil Figurine, Fire Horn, Harmonic Gem, Healing Balm, Lightwand, Lockpick, Mandolin, Padded Cuie Bouilli Gloves, Padded Leather Gloves, Padded Tarasz Leather Shield, Padded Wooden Shield, Shadow Figurine, Shield Rings, Thief Dagger, Wool Mitre, Wool Silken Gloves.

Once your spell casters have reached level 13 and purchased the level 7 spells for their second class, you can convert them to sorcerers and head off to the Watchtower on the southern path that heads east. When you get there, the door to Watchtower is locked. A new entry in your log says to talk to the arms master at the Castle to get the key. If you explore to the South of the Watchtower, you'll find a path down to the Ridge Fault you might want to mark on your map and explore later. Go get the key and return to the Watchtower to explore it.

The Rusty Key is in a chest on the second floor; you'll need it in the basement. There is a place in the Watchtower Tunnels where the walls sound hollow. You must face the wall to get the message that you can use an item. This same thing happens in a dark place later in the game, remember you need to face a "door" to be given the chance to use an item in it. Use that

Rusty Steel Bar here.

Inside the lever frees the boat. The boat takes you to the other side of the river--you'll have to fight your way back across...there is an escape ladder that avoids the battle. Down a long tunnel after the battle for the bridge on this side you meet the Orc Chief who has the Cell Key.

In the Watchtower Tunnels you might find....Bronze Battleaxe, Bronze Battleclaw, Bronze Buckler, Bronze Crossbow, Bronze Greatsword, Bronze Javelin, Bronze Longbow, Bronze Longsword, Bronze Mail Coif, Bronze Mace, Bronze Morning Star, Bronze Rune, Bronze Scale Gloves, Bronze Scale Helmet, Bronze Scale Mail, Bronze Shortsword, Bronze Throwing Star, Bronze Tower Shield, Elf Cloak, Elven Arrows, Evil Figurine, Frost Horn, Harmonic Gem, Healing Balm, Lamp, Padded Cuir Bouilli Gloves, Padded Tarasz Leather Shield, Shadow Figurine, Torch, Wineskin, Wool Mitre, Wool Shawl, Wool Silken Gloves.

Once your spell casters get to level 9 Sorcerer it's time to go on East from the Watchtower. You'll come to an abandoned Mage's house. The password is


Mark the path N that is blocked by tendrils--you'll be coming back later.

Proceed on to Savage Crossing. The fountain outside the Coaching Inn in Savage Crossing casts AC +2 on the party.

You can now use the Road Wardens between the Castle and the Crossing. The cost is 500 cash (not in the bank) each way. After checking out the shops and buildings in town, follow the advice and go E to find Gwyddon. You can let him join your party if you have room, but it is not necessary to complete the game. Explore the area on Eastward. Remember the closed shrine. Buy javelins, butterfly's, death stars and throwing stars from the weapon shop in the forest. Javelins add range to your hunter without having to be reloaded. The other three are good weapons for Sorcerers. Butterfly's are especially good because they have a range of 2. If you look at the map near the shop, you get the clue "save nature".

Going South from Savage Crossing you pass a secret path to the bandit's lair. Further South mark where the path is blocked. NE of there it's blocked and smells of sulphur. Mark that place, too. Go explore the Bandit's Cave. Explore it all except for the central area surrounded by a moat. Once you beat the big baddie (the priest) in the central area, the set regenerating battles stop being available, and you may want to farm these first to raise your Sorcerers to level 20 and then your Wizards to level 7. The initial battles in the Cave may be tough--especially those that include Ignighters, Witchers and/or Preachers. You can try to run from battles with Magic Users but that does not always work on the first attempt. Don't attack with throwing weapons if you are going to run from a battle later, because you may lose the weapons you have thrown. Bronze Javelins and Bronze Butterfly's are rare and it would be a shame to lose any.

Soldiers hate March. You probably want to save after every battle here, just in case. Initially having your spell casters use Hailstorm against a single group or Mind Blade against close multiple groups is a good strategy in the Bandit's Cave. Remember to keep Song of Life going by your Bard.

Coup de Grace

works well against the warlord Kommandant.

You have to fight the group of 8 Outlaws and the groups of 8 Renegades and 10 Bandits on the way in to the Bandit's Cave. On the way out you can run from them if you need to.

Once you have explored the Bandit's Cave except the moat surrounded part but including the Kommandant's Quarters, exit the Lair and start "farming" it. Enter the Lair, when you get to the grass, turn left and go forward nine steps. Fight the battle with 18 Tarasz Stosstruppen. (Basically, you can defeat them by having your fighters attack and your Sorcerers cast Hailstorm. Five casts of Hailstorm is enough, so you can conserve spell points by having all three cast the first round and the two with the most remaining spell points cast the second round. Your fighters can clean up any remaining Stosstruppen if there is a third round. There may be some healing required if the Stosstruppen start at 10 feet--remember Song of Life.) Leave the Lair, save and repeat until you are about out of Spell Points. Then go back to the castle ruins, raise your characters, bank or sell extra loot, restore their SP and come back.

From battles in the Bandit's Cave you might find...Bardsword, Bronze Rune, Dragon Horn, Embroidered Mitre, Embroidered Silken Gloves, Embroidered Silverfox Robe, Fire Figurine, Frost Horn, Hardened Leather Cap, Hardened Tarasz Leather Shield, Healing Potion, Iron Axe, Iron Battleclaw, Iron Butterfly, Iron Club, Iron Deathstar, Iron Dwarven Axe, Iron Dwarven Shield, Iron Greatsword, Iron Halberd, Iron Javelin, Iron Mace, Iron Morningstar, Iron Scale Helmet, Iron Plate Armor, Iron Scimitar, Iron Throwing Spear, Iron Throwing Star, Iron Tower Shield, Iron Warhammer, Lockpick, Padded Leather Gloves, Silver Rune, Thief Dagger.

Once your Sorcerers reach level 20, it is time to move on. We'll return to the lair later. The prisoner said to check back at the Armsmaster, so visit him at the castle. Sergeant Woodhead does not seem to be at the Coaching Inn at Savage Crossing. The young soldier in Savage Crossing says to visit Gwyddon on the road to the East. If Gwyddon is still asking to join your party, continue East until you are told the way is blocked. Come back to Gwyddon who will ask you to retrieve the holy silver sickle from the Burial Mound which can only be entered at Midnight. Head out on the road North. Help the Tarasz and fight the Orcs. Continue on to Loch Caetar. Buy Elf Cloaks in the shop for each team member that doesn't already have one. Listen to the Bard in the Inn. North across the lake is a camping place where your team can rest. This can be useful later for timing entry into the Burial Mound which is West of Loch Caetar town. If you haven't already visit the abandoned farm SW of Loch Caetar. Keep the mushrooms you find a few steps South and West of the farmhouse. Back to the North and East of the farmhouse there is a broken path to the Burial Mound. Once you know the way to the burial mound entrance, if you leave the camping place in the early part of"before midnight" you should have plenty of time to walk to the entrance by "midnight". Kick the walls where the warriors are buried. This is another area where you need to face the wall you are kicking. Fight the six Unrestful Axemen that come alive for their axe amulets. There are eight you can fight, but you only need six. Face each of the central walls near the grate in the middle of this level (North West corner). When prompted, insert six of the axes. The grate moves aside; go down through it to the next level. Explore the whole level saving the room with the door that glows for last. Light the braziers by moving into them. In the last room, touch the statue in front of the door last, saving beforehand. This is a tough fight even for a party this high.

TRZP will unlock the doors of the first room on this level. Some of the opponents here cause aging. Farther Foe can be useful along with Hailstorm. After the encounters here you may find...Dragon Horn, Evil Figurine, Harp, Iron Buckler, Iron Elvenbow, Iron Mail Coif, Iron Morningstar, Iron Staff, Sniper Arrows.

After defeating the statues go through the door and down the stairs. The door to the north cannot be unblocked. The riddle on the south wall is what the bushes near the throwing weapon and missile shop spells

(save nature)

. Go South down the corridor and through the door. The sickle is in the sarcophagus through the Western door South.

Gwyddon shows up a few steps outside the Burial Mound and trades you the Druid Stone for the Sickle. Go to the training hall in The Castle to level up and to the bank stash your loot or store to sell it. Then as your log entry from Gwyddon says, go to the temple in Druid's Grove. There is a secret path to the grove on the South side of the road East from Savage Crossing. Mark where you first enter the grove by the wall, because that is the only exit.

In the Lost Temple you cannot save (except in the entry section--before the message "the hand of time writes and cannot erase.") The color is


There is a one way secret wall at the West end of the room due West from the chest that holds the shard of nature and a second one further West that leads back to the ladder out. These help your team avoid the magic sink traps when leaving. From battles you may find...Embroidered Silverfox Robe, Iron Axe, Iron Dwarven Axe, Iron Elvenbow, Iron Scale Mail, Iron Tower Shield.

The Shard of Nature will open the road East from Savage Crossing that was previously blocked. Explore that new area. Mark the hut North of the path. Visit the hideout South of the path. Enter and clear the compound and collect Orc scalps. Deliver the Orc scalps to the Priestess in the hideout. She will open the passage through her hut that you marked on your map.

Near the beginning of the passage there is a spot that refreshes your team. There are no saves in the passage, so you should save just before entering. The exit is past an area where each step or time segment burns your magic and health points. The door out requires you to have Symbol of Maruziel. You must be facing the door to get the option to use an item.

To get the Symbol you have to defeat the high priest in the Bandit's Cave. The high priest's area is a no save zone. There are set battles against
16 Mad Tarasz, 6 Preachers and 6 Tarasz Igniters (regenerates)
40 Tarasz Stosstruppen and 40 Tarasz Stosstruppen (once)
40 Tarasz Witchers and 20 Tarasz Igniters (once)
before the final battle against the high priest.

Three is a no magic zone in front of the high priest's door. Once inside you have time to cast your light, protection and attack bonus spells if you like. Step forward and you face High Priest Jakob Springer and 4 Tarasz Acolytes.

My battle plan was to

step forward once then have the warriors attack the acolytes and throw Demon War once at them while throwing Coup de Grace twice at the high priest.

You get the Symbol of Maruziel.

From battles in the Tarasz Passage you might find...Healing Potion, Steel Dagger, Steel Elvenbow, Studded Cuir Bouilli Gloves, Studded Wooden Shield.

Back in the Passage, go to the door past the red magic and health drain area and use the Symbol on the door. Go through it and take the stairs up to the Sewer. You can save in the Passage before taking this stairs up. Remember you can deactivate the stairs message by double hitting the cast spell icon.

You cannot save in the sewers. Although you can walk on the water, don't. Instead follow the right hand rule. Mark drainage numbers on your map. Soon you will come to the maintenance door, which your Rogue can pick. That leads to stairs up to the City Slums, where you can save. Go back down and continue exploring the Sewers.

In the Sewers you might find...Bardsword, Bronze Rune, Dragon Horn, Fairy Light, Gold Rune, Harmonic Gem, Harmonic Splinter, Healing Potion, McLeod's Bagpipe, Ornate Mitre, Ornate Silken Gloves, Ornate Silverfox Robe, Silver Rune, Steel Axe, Steel Battleaxe, Steel Buckler, Steel Butterfly, Steel Bulwark, Steel Club, Steel Dagger, Steel Dwarven Axe, Steel Dwarven Shield, Steel Elvenbow, Steel Greatsword, Steel Halberd, Steel Javelin, Steel Katana, Steel Mace, Steel Morningstar, Steel Plate Armor, Steel Plate Gloves, Steel Plate Helmet, Steel Scale Gloves, Steel Scale Helmet, Steel Shortsword, Steel Staff, Steel Throwing Knife, Steel Throwing Spear, Steel Tower Shield, Studded Cuir Bouilli Gloves, Studded Tarasz Leather Shield, Studded Wooden Shield, Thief Dagger, Winter Horn.

Search the walls of the drainage area

with three numbers

to enter a hidden area. There is a one way passage out of the area, but you may have to kick a lot of walls.

Search the walls in the drainage area of

11/24. You can escape the small corridor where you might not belong using shatter walls. If you are at the south end of the corridor at midnight a magic mouth appears. You know who the cult deity is. Hesitation, Close Combat and Coup de Grace will do in the Evil Incarnation. Instead of Coup de Grace, five or six Demon Wars should do the trick.

There is a one way passage out of the area.

After exploring the Sewers, go back to the City Slums. Here you might find... Steel Plate Helmet.

Although the City Slums have little to offer, there is a shop in an open square near the NE corner thar sells some interesting basic weapons at night. After exploring the City Slums, go explore the City Harbor. Learn the spirit chant at the Mended Drum tavern.

In the City Harbor you might find...Bronze Rune, Harmonic Gem, Silver Rune, Sniper Arrows, Steel Axe, Steel Club, Steel Halberd, Steel Mace, Steel Morningstar, Steel Tower Shield, Studded Cuir Bouilli Gloves.

Exploring the Temple district, you might find...

Exploring the Market District the entrance to the Thieves is in the SW corner. The Thieves Guild Master tells you to go to the Harbor district and take a ship to Paradosa to find the Shard of Spirit. You probably want to take the Road Wardens to the castle to recharge your magic users, first.

In the dust in the central square of the Market District you find a shield ring. In battles you might also find...

In the Harbor District you might find...Steel Shortsword.

From the NW pier at midnight take the ship to Paradosa. In the gambling chamber you learn of a game where face cards (king, queen, knight) count 10 and the other cards called pawns count 1. I waited for morning after exploring the town for the shop to open, finding not much of interest for sale. In Parsdosa you might find Steel items like...Steel Club, Steel Plate Helmet.

The areas where you get the please wait message as you change regions overlap off the path. There is nothing special to find in these overlap zones although they do provide extra encounters. Other than the set chests with Ogre Plate which no one in my primary party could use (warriors only) and a Katana and Divine Powder, there is little real reason to go into the Dedarant Caves although there are some nice random drops from the battles there.

From battles in the Dedarant Cave, you might find...Andursteel Bulwark, Andursteel Butterfly, Andursteel Dwarven Axe, Andursteel Greatsword, Andursteel Halberd, Andursteel Heartwood Bow, Andursteel Javelin, Andursteel Katana, Andursteel Lance, Andursteel Mail Coif, Andursteel Mail Gloves, Andursteel Ogre Plate, Andursteel Plate Gloves, Andursteel Plate Helmet, Andursteel Scale Gloves, Andursteel Shortsword, Andursteel Spear, Andursteel Staff, Andursteel Throwing Star, Andursteel Thunderbolt, Angel's Harp, Bloodwood Arrows, Composite Cuir Bouilli Gloves, Composite Leather Cap , Composite Leather Gloves, Composite Tarasz Leather Shield, Composite Wooden Shield, Demon Pipe, Dietrich, Divine Powder, Electrum Rune, Flame Horn, Flute, Frost Horn, Harmonic Gem, Harmonic Splinter, Runed Fairyskin Gown, Runed Mitre, Runed Silken Gloves, Silver Rune, Studded Leather Cap, Troll Ring, Winter Horn.

Exploring off the path to the North you come to a back exit from Castilla Artonsa. Here you might find...Andursteel Heartwood Bow, Andursteel Javelin, Andursteel Scale Helmet, Bronze Rune, Dietrich, Gold Rune, Harmonic Gem, Harmonic Splinter, Winter Horn

Make your way to the castle. Follow the El Condre through the North door.

In the dungeon, mark the darkness transporters on your map and walk around behind them. If you follow the correct path, it does not get dark. Once you get through the maze you come to water bowl where you can save, heal and rest. Proceed on to the statue to the West. The answer is

42 from the card game rules in the Inn.

There is treasure through the North door. The Shard is in the room to the South. You can exit through the corridor East.

If you return to the Castilla you meet El Condre who demands the Shard. He's actually a Vampire Lord.

Hesitation and Coup de Grace will take him out.

The Shadow Key he drops will open

the two locked doors.

Once you have cleared the Castilla you can re-enter and farm it, but the Dedarant Caves seem to offer more loot.

Go back to The Shadow Guild Master sends you for the Shard of Creation under Karilan Andur. Walk west from Savage Crossing to where you marked the broken pathway North from the east-West path blocked. That is open now that you have the Shard of Spirit.

Inside the Dwarven Mountains there is a chest with the Stone Blade for your Paladin. Eventually you'll come to the wheel room. Each setting controls where the mine cart takes your party.

Wheel room settings are

1 1 1 one lump of ore

1 1 2 forge and ore delivery
1 2 1 stairs back to wheel room
1 2 2 same as 1 1 1
2 1 1 stairs back to wheel room
2 1 2 one lump of ore
2 2 1 stairs back to wheel room
2 2 2 stairs back to wheel room
3 1 1 sanctum, need key
3 1 2 one lump of ore, fixed encounter
3 2 1 same as 2 1 2

3 2 2 stairs back to wheel room

In Karilan Andur you might find...Andursteel Butterfly, Andursteel Mail Coif, Andursteel Plate Gloves, Andursteel Scale Gloves, Andursteel Thunderbolt (x2) , Angel's Harp, Bloodwood Arrows (x2) , Bronze Rune, Composite Cuir Bouilli Gloves, Dietrich, Divine Powder (x7) , Flame Horn, Flute, Frost Horn, Gold Rune, Harmonic Gem (x10) , Harmonic Splinter (x5) , Ring of Destruction, Ring of Power, Runed Sorcerer's Hood, Shock Bomb (x2), (the numbers were for determining frequency of gems, splinters and powder compared to the better stuff.)

To get to the Shard in Horon's Sanctum, you need the key. Ride the mine cart to each of the wheel settings. At three of them you can get a lump of ore. Take the three to setting 1 1 2 and trade them at the room across the hall from the forge for the Sanctum Key. At setting 3 1 1 you can now enter the Sanctum. Use the Restore spell to maintain your party's health while and after you cross the lava. Fight each of the elementals in their areas. You get a water element from fighting the Water Elemental which will help you reach the Shard of Creation. The other elementals don't drop anything useful.

Return to the Guild Master who tells you to find brother Rectus in the sewers under the Temple District for help in getting the last shard. There is a secret door near

drain 6/66.

Inside, you can save. Brother Rectus tells you to retriever the Shard of Life which has been tainted by Maruziel. It's in the Temple in the Temple District. Grabbing the Shard is easy. You may want to Restore and save before leaving the Temple.

The Greater Demons fall pretty easily to Hesitation and Demon Wars.

Return to Brother Rectus at 6/66 in the Sewers. You can avoid encounters by walking on the water if you like. Brother Rectus needs a Divine Shell for the cleansing ritual.

You can get it from the Temple in the Forest (near where the plants spell SAVE NATURE). Take the escort to Savage Crossing and go East to the Forest. Pay for the Ritual of Cleansing to get the Divine Shell.

Return to Brother Rectus. Use the sidewalk in front of the southern entrance to 6/66. Brother Rectus is dead but left the message IX XIII.

Go to 9/13.
When you enter 9/13 a creature gives you the Silversword. You are transported to Inferno.

Equip a party member in one of the first four ranks with the Silversword. I chose my Bard.

Mark the entry spot on your map. Kick every wall. Yes, even the invisible ones.

The path through the first section is:

E S E N E>S S E>W S S S S S E N E E S S E E N N W N W N N E N E E N E E E E S E E E S S E E S S W W N W N W S S E S E E S W W W S W W W W W W N N now in central 3x3. The > symbol means you are teleported.
From the second teleport (>) target, the exit is E E E E E S W W W S S. you can re-enter if you like


In Inferno you might find... Bloodwood Bow of Forgus, Bronze Rune, Butterfly of Forgus, Deathstar of Forgus, Demon Pipe, Devil Figurine, Divine Powder, Electrum Rune, Fiery Avenger of Forgus, Flame Horn, Force Shield of Forgus, Frost Horn, Gold Rune, Harmonic Gem, Harmonic Splinter, Hattori Hanzo of Forgus, Javelin of Forgus, Mail Coif of Forgus, Mail Gloves of Forgus, Mithril Rune, Plate Gloves of Forgus, Ring of Destruction, Scale Gloves of Forgus, Shock Bomb, Silver Rune, Spellwoven Robe, Spellwoven Sorcerer's Hood, Throwing Knife of Forgus, Throwing Spear of Forgus, Thunderbolt of Forgus, Troll Ring, Winter Horn, Wyvernhide Cuir Bouilli Gloves, Wyvernhyde Leather Cap,

Pretty much the path through Inferno is to follow the outer wall clockwise to the bottom then head up through the SW corner of the central 3x3 square which is mostly surrounded by teleport ears.

The easiest way to find your way is to take a step or two then save. If you get teleported back to the entrance reload so you don't have to retrace all those steps again.

In the fire field use Restoration every few steps. I went East into the fire field and found my way to a safe spot on the West side if the map. From there I went W W S W N to find the way out of the fire field.

From that spot you can go through a wall to the entrance area if you want (and can leave from there).

The battle with Maruziel was easy

with Hesitation, Demon War and my Paladin and the Stone Sword.

Watch the battles as some of your foes will Drain (indicated by a "D" after a character's HP) and Drained characters do not gain XP until cured.

The Shrine in the Market District can cure a Drained character.

I reran the battle starting from Savage Crossing with just two Archmages. This was more difficult but I did succeed.

It turns out that Maruziel is immune to magic damage (although hesitation does work) but susceptible to all weapon damage.

This made for a long battle with magic users and their weak weapon skills, but it is winnable. This means no particular character type other than magic users is necessary in your party.

However, if you choose a high level Paladin equipped with the Stone Sword or a high level Hunter with a reasonable throwing weapon stockpile or reasonable melee weapon and one Archmage, the battle is trivial.

So now we can head to Ridge Fault. It's South if the path by the Watchtower. Kick every wall as you progress through the area. The Dwarven stronghold which is on your map is Karilan Andur. If you search the pile of rags, you will find the Dragon Bone Bow. The hint by the pedestal seems to be nothing to do with the pedestal, but telling you to have your Paladin equip the stone sword to cross the bridge to the Dragon Tower.

In the tower the age is 7000000


the snowy answer is glacier.
Eventually (at the SW most 3x3 area) you have to step on lava to progress.

The Bone Arrows are in a chest at the end of a causeway on the same side of the water as the Dragon Tower.

In the Ridge fault you may find... Divine Powder, Harmonic Gem, Harmonis Splinter.

With the Dragon Egg in inventory head to the locked door in the cellar of the Abandoned Tower. The door unlocks by itself. You can place the Dragon Egg in the fiery cradle. If you enter the cradle the egg is still there. Sounds like a future enhancement area...

In this area of the basement you may find... Bronze Mace.

The road to Annsharbor is now open since you have defeated Maruziel. You can walk there from the area where the Orcs blocked in the Market District before Maruziel died. But the area is still contaminated with Astralyte. This sounds like a coming quest in a future release. The coast road heading East seems closed for now just after the fork West to Annsharbor's Market District: also an area for possible future expansion.

Anyway this spoiler filled walk through is how I did it. I am still farming the Inferno, waiting for future updates.

I bow to you, wizardz.

This is fantastic, what a great job!

Made sticky.
Expansion is on the way... most of the maps are already done, but I need some more weeks for the quests and creatures.

Kind regards


I am impressed. Good job mate!

-Theodor Keppler

Every level my magician and conjurer gains 14 hp. I was under the impression that a sorcerer gains 18 hp per level at twice the xp cost. Why does if ale more sense to increase sorcerer levels to maximize hp?

When this walkthru was written, the points needed for each new level were different than they are now. Back then 18 HP points per Sorcerers level at the fixed cost per level above level 14 got you more HP than 14 HP per Magician or Sorcerers level at the lower fixed cost per level above 14 for them.

Under the new level up scheme (with increasing points required for each new level) it makes sense to figure out the cost in total XP for the HP you need and back figure the number of levels in each class of Mage. You will need a minimum of level 13 in each class (assuming you want all the spells). Until I have time to replay the game and track the level increases, I'll guess Magician and Conjurer to level 15 each, Sorcerer and Wizard to level 18 each. Then on to Archmage.

If you are trying for points in Game Center that may also color your decision because each time you change class you lose the XP the character previously had. My goal was to get to 1000 HP, but yours may vary.

<QUOTE>[quote]If you are trying for points in Game Center that may also color your decision because each time you change class you lose the XP the character previously had. My goal was to get to 1000 HP, but yours may vary.

This should not happen - the game counts all XP earned from all your characters. XP in former classes are counted, too.


Thank you for the correction, Mario. I carefully added all the XP for my characters and that total is about 8 million short of the total in Game Center. I would believe 8 million is the total XP my three Archmages gained as Conjurers, Magicians, Sorcerers and Wizards.

Best regards,
Aka wizardz

Thanks for the reply.

So it takes about twenty levels before you can start pushing caster constitution past 18.

It takes about another six levels to cap hit point bonus.

If you start with 18 constitution you get about 223 hp from 13 levels of mage and 13 levels of conjurer, and at which point your hp bonus is stat capped.

Thirteen levels of sorcerer (at 18 hp/level) is 234 hp.

Thirteen levels of wizard (at 18 hp/level) is 234 hp.

Thirteen levels of archmage (at 18 hp/level) is 234 hp.

So without pushing anything past level 13 you get 925 hp (223+234+234+234=925).

Cheapest xp/hp is mage and conjurer until level 16 but rather than work two classes up to 16 I would grind a bit more xp and get one of them to 20 for the added racial bonus and spells that work off of caster level.

This gets you to about 1023 hp for your casters.

Good analysis, Damuri.

You implied but did not state to max stats by level 26 (13 Conjurer and 13 Magician) and increase CN to 24 by then you must start with at least 84 total stat points at roll up.

I would suggest pushing Sorcerer (with the lowest XP cost of the classes 18 HP per level) to 20 or 25 to get the extra 4 HP per level. And, you will probably not stop your Archmages at level 13. The cost of going beyond level 15 seems to be the same for every class.

I found having only 1000 HP makes the Inferno fires challenging. YMMV.

Thanks again for your analysis.

Best regards,

Yes, thanks. I assumat least 84.

The compendium is in between updates so it doesn't show the increasing cost per level over 13 that was announced recently.

The xp cost per hp for mage/conjurer is about 16,000 xp/hp at level 13. This goes up 10% per level .

The xp cost per hp for sorcerers is about 22,000 xp/hp at level 13. This goes up 10% per level.

Sorcerer is cheaper than wizard or archmage.

So conjurer mage are the cheapest source of hp after you hit level 13. They only become more expensive than sorcerer after you hit level 16.

Or so it appears to me. Am I missing something? Is xp cost capped at level 15 or something?

I haven't finished the game so this is all theorycraft based on the compendium and the general comment that you need 1000 hp casters to finish the game.


You can get past the lava in Inferno with less HP than 1000, but it means casting healing every couple of steps to keep from frying. And I think it takes luck. With just over 1000 you can survive the fires if / when you find the correct path. I play conservatively and prefer to survive without carefully using gems and heals just to follow the path to the end battle.

Most players seem to rush to the next challenge before they are really ready. As I've said elsewhere, you can win the final battle with a low level Archmage or two (or the equivalent) and some sort of awesome fighter. The less awesome, the more challenging inferno becomes.

As Mario said, level 15 costs 200000 more XP than level 14 for each class. You are planning to go to level 13 in each class.
In each class level 14 costs twice what level 13 cost. Yes, for Sorcerers, the differential to level 15 costs less than the differential to 14 from 13. You'll get more HP raising a Sorcerer to level 20 than raising a Conjurer or Magician and the XP cost is the same after you have gotten to level 14 for either Sorcerer or Conjurer.

I can post the XP costs to level 15 for each class, but as you say the Compendium should have that info soon.

I will update the compendium soon (with 2.2.0 I think).


I see where I misread the update notice. It makes me wonder if you wouldn't be better off just going for archmage right off thebat and getting your extra levels in archmage (or maybe get level 15 to bbegin with to get the racial bonus boost). Why do you think you are better off boosting sor erer rather than the just archmage. Does the incremental xp cost make a one xlass strategy difficult.

Raising both the sorcerer and the Archmage an extra say ten levels each above the minimum of 13 costs less XP than raising either one twenty levels.

Having said that, if you stick with level 13 for each of the 4 lower Mage classes you can just raise tour Archmage to a high enough level to reach your HP target without too much difficulty. The new costs for levels above 14 have made this less of a challenge.

However, if you are racing to the "end" battle you really only need your Archmage to level 1, so raising your Sorcerers to level 25 or so will get you there quicker.

OK thats what I thought.

I figure the race bonus will be higher with a one class (archmage) strategy and it gets you all the spells faster (I actually got level 15 in my first class for the racial bonus).

I don't know exactly what +1 spell level does but there seem to be very few spells that key off of caster level (ray of fire, brain stab are the only ones that seem to explicitly key off of caster level (which I assume is the same thing as spell level).

Hello everyone,
Thank you for this wonderful game I just finished it 3 days ago  :)
Just one question I cannot enter into the dragon tower is it due to the fact that I have no paladin in my group ? I have 2 barbarians, 1 hunter, 1 bard and 3 archmages.
Thanks in advance

Try creating a Paladin character and revisit the area.

Arf never thought about it :oops:
I have a level 8 paladin but I dropped it for a second barbarian.
I will try that thank you  ;)

Let us know how it goes.

Do you found the stone blade yet?


Can you tell me how to get past the SE most 3x3 area, the area after answering "glacier". I can't seem to get past this one. Walking W teleports me to level 3 of the tower again. The other 3 directions teleports me to lava death.

I'd really want to get past this so I can finish the game but am really stuck. Help! :)

Quote from Author: SonnBoy99

Can you tell me how to get past the SE most 3x3 area, the area after answering "glacier". I can't seem to get past this one. Walking W teleports me to level 3 of the tower again. The other 3 directions teleports me to lava death.

I'd really want to get past this so I can finish the game but am really stuck. Help! :)
After answering glacier, SEWWESE gets you through.

Wizardz - some of us are waiting for your expansion version of this!


Following the guide i've acquired the shard of nature however I can't find the road east of savage crossing that it is supposed to open up? The only thing I see is the road leading to Deeper Forrest any help here guys?

Never mind I found it lol

Near the Savage Crossing section, thrown weapons area, you mention the phrase "Soldiers hate March", what does that mean? There seems to be no context and for whatever reason, my mind won't let it go. Lol.

What level do i have to be to get the spirit chant, the bard sp song? I would kill for it right now and my guys are 15 level/ 6 level sorcs.

In one area of the dungeon (cave area where you fight the lizard creatures) you are asked what month soldiers hate...

Level has little to do with getting that song. Your Bards learn new songs at inns. If I remember correctly to get the spirit song you need to go to the inn after the Paradosa boat ride...

Thank ya for the answer to both posts. The question about soldiers i found, thank ya. Also found the shop finally, one teenie tiny square i had overlooked, lol.

2 things i don't understand.

well theres lots of puzzle solutions i don't understand in this game...

okay first is the magic mouth with the answer "orange"
the riddle is something like.."i start from the cold north and go to the hot south, midway i stop before the color changes" or something like that...

so if we go with ROYGBIV red orange yellow green blue indigo violet...or i guess starting with violet at top...either way, green is at the midpoint, not orange.
the solution does not make snpense logically. unless, am i missing something?
do they mean, go from the cold to the hot and then starting at where it begins to turn hot then go to the midpoint? but that doesn't make sense, the clue is not there.

also , there is no hint that i was supposed to go to the bandit cave after getting the shard of nature.
i mean, the game leads you to savage crossing. you get there and the guy says to look for gwyddon, you look for gwyddon and he says to go south of where he is, which of course leads to the hidden druid grove, and you go in there and it says "heretics are not allowed in" ..the first "wtf do i do" moment.

how are we supposed to know to come back here later?

now, when i dismiss him, he says "if your path is blocked come back to me". okay that's a good hint.
but meanwhile, its just totally confusing because they tell you to look for him, and then when you find him, he wants to join you so you assume your supposed to let him join you and then he refuses to go anywhere else with you except the druids grove and based on the difficulty of the monsters in there, it seems like this is where your supposed to go but its not.

okay, i figured out to release him and then go to the deeper forest and then the way is blocked and go back to him and he says to go to the burial ground, with absolutely no clue as to where the burial ground is.
okay so i just have to blindly explore up to the lock cater place and i stumble on the burial mound, great.

i get the sickle and he meets me just outside and then gives me what i need to go into the druids grove.
then i go in the druids grove and it gives me the shard of nature so i can cross through the deeper forest into the swamps where based on an encounter, i'm supposed to go next because the lizards tell me to meet their priestess.
i go to meet the priestess, she says get the orc scalps, i get the orc scalps, i go into the taraz tunnels and pass through all this darkness with health draining traps only to find...."you cannot pass without permission of the high priest of maruziel"


so now it's over to the bandit cave to get what i need, but where the eff is the hint or clue that tells me to go there?! i'm supposed to just blindly explore in a new place where the monsters difficulty curve leads me to believe, i'm not supposed to go until later but apparently i was supposed to go there earlier than the story seems to suggest.

I admit, some clues are left out by intention for three reasons:

1. I want you to fully explore the game
2. I don't like games where the road is straight and clear
3. You are supposed to use these forums ;-)

If you encounter something that is misleading or unclear, please let me know. I will change the description then.
English is not my first language, so have mercy :-)

kind regards

Quote from Author: icetear
I admit, some clues are left out by intention for three reasons:

1. I want you to fully explore the game
2. I don't like games where the road is straight and clear
3. You are supposed to use these forums ;-)

If you encounter something that is misleading or unclear, please let me know. I will change the description then.
English is not my first language, so have mercy :-)

kind regards


ok...sorry for harsh language earlier. this is a great game, i was just frustrated because i wanted to figure it out on my own and i ended up having to come here to find the answers.

Mario wrote: "English is not my first language, so have mercy."

I guessed from the use of words like Kommandatur and Stosstrupp that you might be (at least) bilingual. If English is not your first language, then kudos on your command of it!

Thank you very much :D

Quote from Author: wizardz
Castilla Artonsa ... Follow the El Condre through the North door. In the dungeon, mark the darkness transporters on your map and walk around behind them. If you follow the correct path, it does not get dark. Once you get through the maze you come to water bowl where you can save, heal and rest. Proceed on to the statue to the West.

This maze can be tricky if you are not VERY careful where you place your map markers for the teleports. Fortunately for the careless (it took me several tries, because I had carelessly put a marker on the adjoining square) the exact passage through that maze is given to you in the graveyard in the far northwest of the Astonsa Forest map! Just be sure to walk through every square of the crypt and "listen" carefully.


Quote from Author: Graypaws
Near the Savage Crossing section, thrown weapons area, you mention the phrase "Soldiers hate March", what does that mean?

Think of "March!" as a verb and you'll get why soldiers hate it.  ;)

Quote from Author: wizardz
The Bone Arrows are in a chest at the end of a causeway on the same side of the water as the Dragon Tower.

These are insanely great if you have an archer (Hunter, Rogue). I recommend going to grab these as soon as you get the Stone Blade. Monsters cower at the very thought of my rogue with her Dragonbone Bow and Bone Arrows. 8-)

Is there any shield better than a steel buckler that a monk can use? I have been farming Horon's looking for one made of Andursteel and Inferno looking for one of Forgus, but bronze is the best I have managed.

BTW in my opinion, Horon's Sanctum is the best farming location in the original. There are numerous set encounters, so you can easily rack up a million XP per visit with minimal risk and often no use of spells at all. Plus the drop frequency and item quality are better, with the one exception that you can only find Forgus gear in Inferno, AFAIK.

Quote from Author: Visstar
Is there any shield better than a steel buckler that a monk can use? I have been farming Horon's looking for one made of Andursteel and Inferno looking for one of Forgus, but bronze is the best I have managed.

BTW in my opinion, Horon's Sanctum is the best farming location in the original. There are numerous set encounters, so you can easily rack up a million XP per visit with minimal risk and often no use of spells at all. Plus the drop frequency and item quality are better, with the one exception that you can only find Forgus gear in Inferno, AFAIK.

I've found like 4 Andursteel Bucklers in Horon's Sanctuary. Probably because I don't use a Monk in my party, and everybody else can use better shields. But they definitely do exist.

Thanks, rakenan. It's weird, because I don't think I ever found a single andursteel buckler! I did eventually find a buckler of forgus, which my monk now has emblazoned with an electrum rune.

There's a thread somewhere on best weapons and armor for each class. I'll have to find it and update it.

I appears the new Forum has Disabled the ability to show hints in the walkthrough? I've tried on multiple browsers (safari on IOS, Chrome on windows and Explorer on Windows). Is this a problem with the new forum software or my browser combo?

Oh yes, you are right.
This seems to be a problem with the new forum.

I will try to fix it as soon as I can.

kind regards

Thanks Mario - hope all is well.

Should work again now :-)

Had to replace the old spoiler function with a new one that works with the actual board software.

kind regards

Ausgezeichnet! Vielen dank Mein Freund!

Always loved the monk class in Bards Tale, but I’m wondering why specifcly your suggesting a
Gnome monk ?

Good question, because I can't think of any advantage to a gnome except their affinity to magic. One thought: turning a monk to a dragon caller later on (this is in the expansion, after defeating Maruzuel) is a possibility, and then the gnome's affinity to magic would help. Equipping a former warrior turned DC and equipping him or her with the staff or storms yields astonishing results. But the monk loses chained attacks after turning into a DC, which ruined that idea for me.

Anyway, my monks have always been human to take advantage of the +1 stat bonus every 5 levels.

Personally, I make little use of the various races with the exceptions of having a hobbit rogue and an elf, gnome, or high man magic user. One of these days, I'll try making an entire party of hobbits and see how it goes.  ;)

I'm sure this has been asked before, but this board doesn't seem to want to let me search it. So, Miner's Deep. Where is it? When should I go there?

Quote from Author: MountainBard

I'm sure this has been asked before, but this board doesn't seem to want to let me search it. So, Miner's Deep. Where is it? When should I go there?

You used to be able to search, but I don't see that option either. Perhaps it's not part of the new forum software.

Miner's Deep is not that different from Horon's Sanctum. Personally, it's the first thing I would do after visiting the dragon's grave. (You could do it even before that, but it's nice to know the story of the expansion and get a hint in the grave. Otherwise, one of the objects you find won't make sense.)

You will find three outstanding items in chests in Miner's Deep. To get there easily, take the train from the entryway of Karilan Andur. (The two were both dwarven strongholds and were interconnected long ago.) I'm not sure when the "To the trains" sign lights up and the secret door unlocks, but once it does, it's the easiest route. Otherwise, you'll have to explore every nook and cranny of the Iron Valley, find the key, find the entrance, and defeat some very tough door guardians. Well worth it, though.

Miner’s Deep can be very, very tricky to get around! And beware of Stone Divers!  ;)

P.S. Be sure to invest in several shares in the mine when you have a chance. If you forget to bring the requisite gems, the Summon Item spell you can learn outside the Annsharbour city gates will come in handy.

You don't see a search option at the top left of the content border?

<ATTACHMENT filename="Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-23 um 18.58.29.png" index="0">[attachment=0]Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-23 um 18.58.29.png[/attachment]</ATTACHMENT>

Not on my iPad. I'll have to try tomorrow on my Mac.

Mountainbard, are you also using an iPad to view the forum?

on small screens there should be a magnifying glass at the top right of the screen which takes you to the search page.

If not, please send me some screenshots of your forum, so that I can try to fix that.

<ATTACHMENT filename="Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-24 um 20.08.16.png" index="0">[attachment=0]Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-24 um 20.08.16.png[/attachment]</ATTACHMENT>

in addition, a search link is avaiable in the menu at the top of the page.

<ATTACHMENT filename="Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-24 um 20.09.39.png" index="0">[attachment=0]Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-24 um 20.09.39.png[/attachment]</ATTACHMENT>

Sorry, neither is working on my iPad (iOS 10.3.3). I'll have to email you the screenshot since I can't see how to attach it.

All I see under Quick links are "Members" and "The team."

Fixed the permissions for registered forum users.
Please check again!

It works! I just successfully searched for Miners Deep. (And found many posts describing how difficult and devious level 5 is!!)

Visstar, thanks for the reply. I use a PC to view the forum. I'm glad you can view & search it on iPad now. Way to go, Mario!

I'm new to this game. Really appreciated for the in-depth walkthrough. Thank you so much, wizardz! <SIZE size="1"><s 1]Check my <URL url="https://eatrbox.com/cooking/">[url=https://eatrbox.com/cooking/]review for cookware]]</URL> and <URL url="https://toodrie.com/feeding/">[url=https://toodrie.com/feeding/]review for baby feeding]]</URL> and <URL url="https://cameengo.com/dau-hu-tu-xuyen/">[url=https://cameengo.com/dau-hu-tu-xuyen/]recipe]]</URL></SIZE>

I agree, Ray. It is tremendously helpful, and a lot of work obviously went into it. I haven't been able to understand this, though:

"Once you get your spell casters to level 13 and buy them the level 7 spells, you can change their classes and move on to the Forgotten Crypt. This through the trees east and south of the hut with the hint to search the trees. Yes, you can do it sooner, but to be able to handle the path to the final battle you'll probably want all your characters to have at least 900 HP and a slow, balanced approach makes the interim battles more easily manageable. The traps in the Forgotten Crypt can be deadly for low level groups, however a level 13 Rogue will help your party avoid them without danger."

Unless I've really missed something, or unless there's another Forgotten Crypt, you don't need anywhere near this kind of firepower to clear it.

You don't need anything near that level of firepower. Wizardz loves to grind and become invincible no matter how long it takes.  :) And there's certainly something to be said for that. My first time through, I was trying to get to Annsharbour as quickly as possible (because people kept telling me how urgent it was!) and got in way over my head. So you do want to do some grinding and leveling up. E.g. I don't think it's possible to survive the Ridge Fault, Bandit's Cave, or the Grave Mound unless you have both Farther Foe and Hailstorm. That means both your magic users should have hit level 13 and changed classes to go to those places.

However, getting to level 13 BEFORE the Forgotten Crypt would take forever, and IMHO is not a good strategy because the Forgotten Crypt is actually the best grinding in the early part of the game. Use it to get Giant Strength and Electrify, then move on to Savage Crossing where the experience points are a bit higher. You can take a shortcut through the trees north of the Forgotten Crypt, but beware of the guardians! Save before your first encounter with them. As they are an order of magnitude tougher than anything you've seen so far!

BTW once you have two magic users with level 7 spells, you might attempt your first foray onto the ridge fault. Save first, just in case — the Mountain Dwellers are even tougher than the Guardians of the Grove! But once you get your strategy down and build up your spell points, this is the best grinding for a long time since the items you can find here are so good. I like to grind there until I have found at least one of each of these: Sorcerer's Hood, Ring of Destruction, and Demon Pipes.

For the inferno part of your walkthrough, wizardz, I think the path you mentioned in the spoilers has some mistakes in it. From the second teleporter I went


. Then I would go E again but when I do, I get an Ouch! message. Can you correct the wrong parts please?

Edit: ok nvm I eventually got to the second section. Now’s time for 80-dmg-per-action zone! With a thief that has around 220 hp! This reminds me of the infamous postgame gimmicks in some RPG developed by Atlus. Teleporter mazes, high-damage tiles, insanely dangerous monsters... oof! At least they didn’t put in invisible walls!

Does this help? I missed some teleports when mapping, but I *think* the path is correct.

Quote from Author: HunterOfEvil

Now’s time for 80-dmg-per-action zone! With a thief that has around 220 hp!

Yeah, that cheesiness of having the low-hp Rogue and healing counting as an action that you take damage after!

I always have problems with those instructions, too. I eventually figure it out, and I am convinced that they are right and I just lose my place. Once I finish the sequence I am satisfied and don’t worry about it again!

Oh, but I was actually wrong with the numbers! In Inferno lava does 100 points of damage!!! You really want to grind for sky-high hp or your caster’s gonna run dry.
Ok now I’m fighting Maruziel.

Edit : I made it! This was very tough without warriors, but the Priestesses and Demon lords fell to Aureus Night Lance and I spammed Hesitation to prevent Maryziel from acting. Had to use several Harmonic Gems, but I didn’t even get hit even once :lol: . It’s so satisfying when even the final boss can’t do a thing to you.

Quote from Author: HunterOfEvil

Oh, but I was actually wrong with the numbers! In Inferno lava does 100 points of damage!!! You really want to grind for sky-high hp or your caster’s gonna run dry.

I don’t remember the exact numbers of things, but I do remember I was having to heal after each step. My current party has a rogue, a monk (both low hp) and only one caster. I’m considering letting them die - heck, maybe letting the whole party die except the Archmage - and then just resurrecting everyone on the other side.


Re. the lava field, I just let my rogue die and revived her after the lava was done with. Otherwise it would have been step-restore-step-restore-step-restore...... I gave up on healing when I realized that we immediately too more damage right after the healing! :x

I’m now starting it over with another team. I rolled 8 characters, but no warriors. I did make a monk, tho. Current loadout is:
Human Monk, Hobbit Rogue, Human Hunter, Human Bard, 2x Gnome Magician and Gnome Conjurer.
(e: Human rogue is impossible, replaced with hobbit. Thanks to Solmage for pointing this out!)

The non-spellcasters are human to gain 6 stat points for 5 levelups. I noticed that the spellcasters get MUCH higher stats thanks to the reclassing system.

I also made a Human Paladin, but I don’t really know who should be removed in favor of him.

The monk is the group’s mule, and deals good damage. Heard somewhere else it could do chain damage, aka attacking/defeating multiple foes in a single round (how?)
The rogue picks locks and I expect him to crit reliably asap.
I decided to use melee hunter earlygame but once he’s got decent crit rate i’ll pick a bow for him.
The bard is invaluable thanks to letting the team escape when things go hairy and can heal over time.
And I prefer to have synced exp values for my three casters.

Anyway, with all those thoughts I think the rogue is going to switch regularly with my Paladin. If there’s a locked chest that’s TRZP-proof, well I can come back later, and the Paladin, while unable to crit, deals decent damage, has higher HP and prays to Sodar for those AC and THAC0 bonuses.

Yes, the monk's chain attack is a skill that grows over time. There's a formula, but basically the higher the level of the monk, the better the chance that after killing one foe, the monk will start "looking for another challenge" and attack another foe in the same group.

At one time, this % chance was too high and monks could take down 20 Greater Demons in one go. My current monk is level 28 and rarely takes down more than 4 creatures at a go, less if the foe is high level, like a demon.