Voice-over labels on direction buttons - ID: 1426

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Seeing-Eye Dragon on 20/05/2016, 08:23:07

Would it be possible for the left, right and backwards direction buttons to have voice-over labels that tell you what is in that direction? For example, could they say blocked or door or passable? This would save a lot of time when playing the game with voiceover. It would probably make it more accessible and approachable for casual gamers.

Double tap with two fingers will say where exits are.

It does, and it's a gesture I use a lot. It doesn't say if an exit has a door or not though. It also doesn't tell you if there is an object that you can interact with but not pass through. You have to keep turning to face blank walls to check them, or you can miss all kinds of clues and treasure.

I want to make it clear that I'm not criticising the game as it is in any way. It's absolutely the best thing I can do with my phone; and that includes talking to people. The imagination, hard work, creativity and attention to detail keep surprising and impressing me with every new zone I come to.

I do want to promote this game to other blind gamers, however. I'm plugging it hard on the audiogames.net forum, but the navigation is still the thing that seems to be putting people off. At least, that's the feedback I'm getting over there.

I just thought I'd pass that feedback on, since there is a section here for doing so.