Version 2.1.3 - ID: 727

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by wizardz on 10/09/2012, 10:58:17

I just updated to 2.1.3. It would appear the random drops after encounters have gone up to about 33% and about 25% of those are multiple item drops. There are also new items like Harmonic Splinter and Lance which are not listed in the Compendium. It's too early to tell, but the drops may be too frequent and the frequency of Harmonic Gems seems high. Of course I can just drop the excess. :lol:

I am enjoying the other fixes and tweaks -- THANKS!

Thank you!

Let's hear what the others say :-)

I will add the items to the compendium soon.
The rate has increased, yes - and the chance is also dependant on the number of enemies (each monster will increase the chance by 1%).


The frequency of drops does change the game but it is probably okay. Almost half the drops seem to be either Divine Powder, Harmonic Gems or Harmonic Splinters. For me these are becoming throw away items at such frequency. If we maintain the frequency, could they become stackable?

x No, leave the drops as they are! Some of us are item poor. :cry:

The item drops appear to be over 30% Divine Powder, Harmonic Gems and Harmonic Splinters. There are so many of these, I'm just dropping them.

Since upgrading, I've engaged in dozens of random encounters and have yet to have ANY random drops of anything.

With the upgrade, the loot chance was adjusted again.
The chance will increase with the number of enemies encountered.
In a dungeon, the loot chance is higher.

You will get more random loot upon reaching higher levels.
This is intended behaviour. A comparison of loot can only be made with similar progression (= party level).

Kind regards

EDIT: This might be changed once again, because I am still looking for a satisfying formula. Sorry for this :-(

Makes sense. I did not realize I had a newer version than what was being discussed here.

I'm sure it will be great. It seems you have a ton of things to constantly evaluate and re-evaluate. :)

First off great game, as an old school fan of RPGs who put a graphics card in my parents old IBM 8086 computer to play the org. Bards tales and SSI D&D games. I can't thank you enough :D

I'm on ver 2.14 and I have seen a very low drop rate. Have about lvl 40 folks and some of my guys still have chainmail. Been through the inferno about 8 times. Till my casters run out of sp ~700 each and I have yet to see any drops.

Slightly better in the mines and caves, I conserve harmonic gems and maybe have 4 of them. I'll farm for a few hours and will be lucky to get one item that isn't powder or a splinter.

Thanks again

You can get stuff from a single monster encounter, but it is extremely rare. At one point Mario said something about each monster in the encounter adds a percent to the chance for a drop. So if you meet thirty monsters in an encounter you have about a thirty percent chance of a drop. Most Inferno encounters are fewer than ten monsters. It's higher in the Dedarant caves, but that's so far from the restoration fountain in the Ruins. Yes over half the drops are powder, splinters or gems for me. I have yet to find Andursteel Plate or Plate of Forgus. And I have seen only one pair of Spellwoven Silken Gloves.

The Sewers era great for Steel items and they are easy to run through using the Right Hand Rule.

Minor spoiler:

save before using a splinter. The result is a random roll and you can get 40 or so in a couple of tries which is better than the 20 or so you might get on the first roll


I recommend you only do the four encounters in the Inferno before the lava fields, then exit and return, thus saving your SP for combat instead of healing.

Major spoiler:

if you save just before each combat, you can reload and replay until you get a good drop. A waste of time with small encounters, but if you are fighting fifteen or more it can be lucrative to fight again. This process can be very boring. To get a drop versus fifteen foes 75% of the time you have to fight nine times. And then you have a fifty percent chance of powder, splinter or gem. Versus thirty it drops to four fights for a 75% chance.

Minor spoiler:

save before entering the Inferno. If your first encounter is small, reload and re-enter. That way at least one of your four fights will have a good chance of a drop.

Thanks wizard, great tips. I saw the post from Mario about 1% boost to drop rate per enemy. I go buy healing potions in annsharbour so I don't waste sp on healing and have a paladin with about 500 sp for resurrection. I will incorporate your ideas and see what I get for the inferno.

I have seen reasonable drops in the mines and cave. It's the inferno that gets me. I go through the maze and typically will get the large ( or not so large) encounter when you first get into the maze. After the encounters start dwindling, I will leave and come back into the inferno to reset. That means I've gone through maybe 50 -75 fights in the inferno and have yet to see a drop. I might have gotten a chest or two but only gold. I'm not complaining just giving my opinion on drop rates and think the rate in the inferno is a bit low, especially given the rarities of encounters there.

That being said, for me it doesn't change the fact that this game rocks!!! And also thanks for the walk through wizard, I tried to stay away from using it too much but there were a few times I was stuck and it was invaluable.



I will address this issue as soon as possible.
The loot system needs some tweaks indeed. Although it's the inferno, its inhabitants shouldn't be so greedy ;-)


Loot System (new)

This is about items, not gold. Gold loot is always given.

Base Loot Chance: 20%

Chance for Chest after a dungeon fight: 15%
Chance for Chest having a trap: 30%

Loot-Chance modifier if Chest: +20%
Loot-Chance modifier if Chest is trapped: +20%

Chance for additional consumable loot: 20% (healing potions, harmonic splinters, ingredients for alchemy (expansion skill))

No more chance adjustment for the number of creatures in an encounter.

What do you think?

I like that Mario. Fair but not overkill. I Ike the idea of the consumable loot being seperate loot percentage. Update I got a harmonic gem in the inferno today whoot.

At first glance, the consumable loot might be high. And I'm hoping divine powder is NOT included in the consumable loot list. Otherwise, it looks like a good mod.


On second thought I think maybe the loot percent chance should also reflect the chest pick lock chance as well. In other words, the more difficult the chest the better the loot...

Well, I think something has to be done about loot. Since Teraszpassage I fail at getting any useful loot. My Casters, my hunter and my rogue are still runinng around in bronze-lvl armor and weapon drops have been awful, too. So far I only got upgrades from build in chests and the drops in dungeons drops are mainly useless throwing weapons which I just ditch. I am at the dredanat caves at the moment and after four gained lvls I got 1 Andursteel throwing star as loot and some harmonic gems/splinters. That´s not quite satisfying. :-(

Quote from Author: Barbieduck

I'm on ver 2.14 and I have seen a very low drop rate. Have about lvl 40 folks and some of my guys still have chainmail. Been through the inferno about 8 times. Till my casters run out of sp ~700 each and I have yet to see any drops.

Same here, drop rate is effectively zero for me even grinding for ages, I would love to get a couple of hours playing with a high drop rate for a change! Is there an update planned to restore some kind of manageable drop rate and if so how do I update, will it just happen automatically?

The next update will correct some loot issues.
It will happen automatically ;-)

The chance for loot should be somewhere between 20 - 50% per fight then.
Most levels after Savage Crossing should benefit from this and will give more loot (predominantly weapons and armour).


Thanks for the info Mario (and great game btw, lovely nostalgia). I don't suppose you have a rough ETA for the update? If it's going to be a few weeks I might play something else for a while & come back to this.

I think I will release the update soon so that everybody gets decent loot again ;-)

Should be within the next 14 days.

Kind regards