Using/Trading Items is Painful - ID: 506

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by negullo on 02/03/2012, 06:33:35

I find this game to be AMAZING, good job. One simple way to improve it could be to make the "use items" button on the right a kind of browse/use/trade any and all items in one menu. Items would be categorized under each character, similar to how spells for magic classes are categorized by conjurer/magician/sorcerer/wizard/archmage. To "equip", you would still have to select character on the bottom window.

All this said, I've enjoyed this game almost as much as Baldur's Gate.

PS, Dear Mario,

Any tips for an aspiring classic dice based rpg designer? :mrgreen:

Hi negullo,

thank you very much! I will think about your suggestion.

As for the rpg designing - what exactly do you want to know? Or - what do you want to achieve?
My colleague Theodor Keppler (active in this forum) has already created his own full-blown dice-based rpg, I think he can be of great help, too.


Thanks for the Reply Mario,

I hope to make my own game for mobile. How did you get started, what type of credentials do you have, has it been more of a profit for you or a hobby or both?

PS what platform is your friends game on? I'm a giant fan of Baldur's Gate, and Icewind Dale.

Hello Negullo,

Starting was simple:
1. Saying to myself "I miss a game in the style of The Bard's Tale in the AppStore" about 10 times
2. Finding out what I need to create it on my own...
2.1. Getting a developer license from Apple
2.2. Getting a Mac (that one was easy because I work mainly with Macs)
2.3. Doing some Objective-C tutorials
3. Finding out what I cannot do by myself
4. Start coding

It's pure hobby. Nothing more. But the fact that some people are interested in buying the game lead me to the decision to continue supporting it (and even trying to create some more games ;-))

My friend's game is a Pen & Paper game, not computer-based, sorry for the irritation!
