Upgrading my spell casters - ID: 432

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Eldrane on 05/02/2012, 13:37:30

Hi there can anyone give me some advice on how/if/when I should upgrade my spell casters?
I'm currently playing with a conjured and a magician at level 5
Should I be considering upgrading them to Sorcerer etc..
Any help appreciated

They are able to get very useful spells for a while yet. I continued to get all spells including level 7 before changing class. Once you have changed from a class you can't change back. As you start fighting in new zones the monsters become tougher and more points are awarded for the kills. During level ups is when you can improve your characters, later on I expect to miss them once they become fewer and further between in sorcery on up. IMHO
Read the manual (behind Help) as you pass time waiting for stores or doors to open. Mario is good about updating the manual when he makes tweaks.

Quote from Author: grackle
They are able to get very useful spells for a while yet. I continued to get all spells including level 7 before changing class. Once you have changed from a class you can't change back. As you start fighting in new zones the monsters become tougher and more points are awarded for the kills. During level ups is when you can improve your characters, later on I expect to miss them once they become fewer and further between in sorcery on up. IMHO

Read the manual (behind Help) as you pass time waiting for stores or doors to open. Mario is good about updating the manual when he makes tweaks.


Agreed. Later in the game, I still use the level 7 conjeror and magician spells. It is definitley worthwhile to get them.

Another option is to switch quickly to get sorcer spells and then fully develop new spell casters later on. This made sense in Bard's tale as the spell mind blade allowed for rapid experience point gains in a certain spot, but I'm not sure if it is worthwhile here. I'd probably just keep them until I learned the level 7 spells (so character level 13).

I agree, I have two level 12 Sorcerers currently, who have both reached level 13 as both a Magician and a Conjurer, meaning that they have much better statistics than might otherwise be expected - as they've each levelled up 35 times. The Bandit Cave XP grind came in very useful to make that possible, plus it means that you have extra spells in your arsenal and much better SP & HP.
Sorcerer 1: ST 21, DX 30, CN 19, IQ 30, LK 21, HP 264, SP 421
Sorcerer 2: ST 19, DX 29, CN 21, IQ 30, LK 19, HP 229, SP 406

The greatest benefits to this IMO is that they survive group attacks from enemy shamans due to the extra HP and attack much earlier due to the added DX, making them more powerful offensively, and stronger defensively.

If you have the patience to grind through 30+ of the same battle in the bandit cave then I'd recommend this approach.