Trading Diamonds for Rubies - ID: 1506

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Professor1028 on 09/12/2017, 20:14:43

I'm at the point in the game where I need a couple more rubies to proceed. I'm not particularly in a rush because I'm still grinding to build up my potential Dragoncaller folks anyway, but I do have one question. I'm in Karilan Andur and CANNOT locate the dwarf who is supposed to make that exchange for you. I feel like I've been EVERYWHERE looking for him... lol. I did notice that there is a "secret" wall I can walk through near the entrance, but every time I step into it, it kicks me back out again. It seems that something is there though, given that I can see it on my map now.


You're not far enough in. Go down the hall and south through the double doors into the big room, then through the western door and back north. If you don't find it, I can post a map.

Ah... found it! Somehow I missed that room!! Lol