Timeline/progress bar and the silversword - ID: 594

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Crocket on 16/04/2012, 14:39:57

As others pointed in the past, having either a progress/completion bar or a checklist of quests would be a good way for someone to know how long to keep playing after Maruziel goes down. Even before hand, I was always curious where I was in the overall timeline.

Mario, a good example would be what the folks do on Lego Wii games - like Batman. I had defeated the game, but noticed that I only got 100% completion of the progress bar on four of the 30 levels. Then, via message boards like these, did I learn that completing at 100% gave access to two new levels/quests, plus unlocking a few exclusive characters. Had I not heard that clue, I probably would have ignorantly stopped playing.

Also, I exploited the bug in getting a second silversword, and I'm not sure if I was prevented from getting a third because I got the 2.09 update, or because I beat Maruziel. I should probably replay from a save within Inferno before I won, which would let me see. Heck, if we can import characters to when you release Silversword 2, a few more would be handy!  ;)

Thanks again for a wonderful playing experience. Now on to those new areas!


Hello Todd,

the quest log is subject to improvement indeed.
I will try to work on this.

The bug with the sword will be fixed - there can be only one ;-)
