Time for some adventuring!!! - ID: 185

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Gwendor Irontoe on 14/12/2011, 15:53:13

Hello fellow adventurers... I have all 7 of my character slots filled.

Warrior, Paladin, Warrior, Bard, Rogue, Wizard, Sorcerer

It seems that it might be wise for me to drop a character in order to free up a slot for summoning creatures, having npc's join, etc...

Heck, it's been over 20 years since I've played BT on my Com 64... (So, can't quite remember everything.)

Would my fellow adventurers advise in dropping a character?

Would love some advice. Thanks.

Gwendor Irontoe

I've been wondering the same thing. My party setup looks almost exactly like yours, only instead of a second warrior I have a monk. I considered dropping the warrior in favour of a summoned creature, and I seem to remember that Mario hinted at some point that the summoned or "adopted" (i.e. wandering) creatures would be worth it. Still, I've grown quite fond of my seven brave adventurers, and kicking one of them out seems to be cruel ;)

I guess I'll experiment a bit with those figurines I found, and pick up my warrior again if I think that's the better setup.

In Response,

You really dont want to drop any character - that's my advice... The summoned creatures only have around 100 to 200 HPs at best and by the time you're level 10, you've outgrown them. I say, create a party and stick it out. If you're in the Lite version and want to get some quick XP, then having some Demons and Slayers will help you get past the 5 Grove Guardians but other than that, I would keep leveling your characters (since they are the only ones that can pick up items). In my opinion (for the Full Version), characters always out-weigh any summoned creature (especially since you cant advance them). At some point the mage that you meet in the Ruins joins your party (if you want him too) but I found that my two mages in my party were already quite capable than having the NPC tag-along.

Also, both of your party make-ups are fine... I would strongly suggest starting out with a Conjurer and a Magician and then once they hit level 13, swap the classes out - back and forth... Then once you hit level 13 again, have them both become Sorcerers (hit level 13) and finally have them both become Arch Mages.

In regards to Melee, I would strongly suggest always having a Paladin since they seem to be the only front-line defense that can cast healing spells (full-hps, cures, revive, etc). Paladins can always wear ALL heavy / armor gear and have a great AC as you progress in the game (Platemail, Scalemail, Chainmail, etc). For game play, I would go back and forth in your party make-up between the Monk and Warrior and stick to all the other classes - I choose the Warrior over the Monk since I thought that "gear" would get me farther than trying to level the Monk and getting his AC up... If you're not careful, you wind up missing a lot as a Monk if you don't balance out your stat increases and there's very few items that this class can wear / use. Ultimately the Monk is better (towards end game) but in the beginning / middle the Warrior winds up getting more Hit Points, better AC and does more damage.

Also, the Hunter is one of the best fighters that you can pick up... His gear is limited to Chainmail but later in the game his bonus stat is DEX and once his Critical Hit % goes up, having him take out bosses and NPCs with lots of hitpoints comes invaluable when he hits them once for 10 points of damage and critically hits them (instantly killing them). The Hunter really starts to shine at around level 10 - 12 or so... Depending upon your starting stats (by level 6 I had stats all at 18).

The Bard is cool... If you're not for the healing and instant songs that they can cast, think of them as a "meat shield" because they can wear all the armor that a Warrior and Paladin can wear. I think of my Bard as a "target practice character slot holder" that prevents my Rogue and Mages from being moved up to the front of the line. If you find some Frost or Winter Horns, then you can do mass damage to groups of NPCs that attack you. Right now my Bard is averaging around 70 points of damage per NPC that I use my music device against.

If you get a chance, read my notes / response on "Party Make-Up, What's Yours?"

<URL url="http://silversword-rpg.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=51"><LINK_TEXT text="http://silversword-rpg.com/phpbb3/viewt ... p?f=5&t=51">http://silversword-rpg.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=51</LINK_TEXT></URL>



I have a Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Monk, Bard, Sorcerer and Magician in my part. Do you think a Rogue is necessary? The Monk and the Hunter in the future will be the best ones.

I'm really enjoying the game, remembering the old times. My friend wants to buy an iPad just to play it!

If you ask me, a rogue is always necessary, but as you may have guessed from my avatar, I'm a bit biased in that direction ;)

Right now I wouldn't dream of dropping my rogue - after she found that Thief Dagger, she does almost as much damage in a single hit as my warrior does with his six hits, plus a rogue is the only character who has a decent chance to pick locks, and I don't want to waste spellpoints on Trap Zap'ing chests while I'm exploring a dungeon. The critical hits when sneaking are also nice, it really helps to be able to take out a strong opponent with one hit.

I really can't agree about the monk vs. warrior point though, but that may be because my warrior hasn't found the best gear yet. The monk does more damage, and currently has an AC of -22 while the warrior only gets to -16.

I do agree about the bard though - even if having a bard in the party wasn't a "must" in a Bard's Tale-like game, I'd still want him along for the healing songs (and the good company, of course ;) )

Nimue, thanks for the tips, I will try the Rogue, instead of the warrior or the hunter. I'm restarting the game so I won't lose so much now.
thanks man