Thoughts and requests from the visually impaired community - ID: 1401

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Seeing-Eye Dragon on 05/10/2015, 16:34:37


As I said, I posted about Silversword on the forum at:
<URL url=""></URL>

There has been some positive response but also a few requests for helpful features. I therefore thought I would post a link here to the relevant thread so that, if interested, people can see what they're saying. The address is:
<URL url=""><LINK_TEXT text=" ... 85#p233885"></LINK_TEXT></URL>

Thanks, Rabbit, for your comments on the audio games forum. I think they will help a lot to reassure people of how the game feels in general, rather than just having the perspective of no overview of the maps in general.

I should have clarified that I am indeed Welshweyr on

The consensus seems to be that being able to reliably review combat is the main sticking point. One feature that would help this is if there were an option in settings where you could toggle a pause of the text after each combat round. This would allow people to use standard Voiceover gestures to review the text output for that round. I imagine it working like when you encounter features in the game, or are given sub quests, and have to press a 'continue' button to proceed. Pressing this button would bring up the menus for setting actions for your characters on the next round. I suggested that this should be optional because I can imagine that it would be frustrating to have that extra step for all players.