Thoughts.. - ID: 46

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Titansiege on 07/09/2011, 12:05:50

Well firstly hello!!!

Secondly thank you.. my god been lookign for something like this for a long time.. and ive played all the original bards tales and some wizardry and many of the similar games.. so this is a wonderful blast from the past and unlike many games of its nature it is still fun to play even knowing what they can do with games nowadays.. anyways enough praise :)

Someone mentioned resting outside of the main camp to restore hps/sps... ive found when i play an RPG i take a quick visit to a dungeon and risk going as deep as i can before leaving, resting at camp and such like so each venture into the dungeons gets longer with more experience... so overall i wouldnt mind that facility not being in the game, not to say it wouldnt get used tho :) HOWEVER that said a way of speeding up time would be great as using shops thats only open at night can be a right pain, running around doing nothing to get time to pass time was a tad boring..

Have to agree with some of the other posts about caster equipment there doesnt seem to be much.. any chance of items such as wands or staves etc that give a magical ranged attack (maybe give them limited charges or lower their power compared to their normal spells).

Sometimes i can be a right stats monkey, any chance of seeing what effects the races have on stats? and/or seeing what kind of range of increase of hps/sps the classes get?

I know the game is "small" right now and will be larger, so ignore this is its already in place.. a greater range of weapons and armour need to be available to purchase from stores.. i know im operating out of a single "hub" at the moment so not a bad thing yet.. Id presume that the various towns and cities etc will have better gear to buy.. altho not as good as the looted stuff.. but upgrades would be good.

Also dont know if this is a bug or a "feature" but sometimes when i have an encounter, the menu bits "run" fight" etc have to be scrolled down to acccess..?! dont understand why as there is no visible text on the screen that would cause it to be so low down.

Can i take a wild stab in the dark and say the magic classes will work much like they did in the various tales? once you have "mastered" conjurer you can swap to another one?

Fort now i think thats all i can think off.. will come back offer more up if i think of anything... now off to the "help" im stuick bit :P

"the oldest rpger in town"

Hi TitanSiege,

firstly a huge THANK YOU! :-)

The game is designed for players like you, who like to get a blast from the past.

First, and for the first time, the main major hint regarding shops at night:
Upon entering the ruin camp (and any other guild of adventurers which you may find in the full version soon), the night will pass away, and the game is taking you to the next morning. So, no more waiting outside without bedrolls.

Much more equipment will be available in the future. Including wands and staves and the like. The Lite Version will only cover 30% of the items available. Let's say, we put all items on a list and give each one a "level" that may range from 1 - 10. You will find level 1-3 items in the light version. And in the shop(s) only level 1 (!) items. As soon as the full version is published, all levels are available.
But I will think about implementing some low level magic ranged gizmos, promised.

The full details of stats / races and game mechanics will go in the final manual. It behaves much like the old Bards Tale series. That goes for the magic classes as well, you are right. Sorcerer, Wizard and Archmage will be in. Class change option will be available in the Training Hall then.

I hope, this information helps you deciding whether to give the full version a try once it will be published (around x-mas) ;-)


LOL there is no doubt ill be upgrading when the time comes...and as eager as i am for it.. please only release it when your happy with it, dont give in to folks like me begging for it to be sooner :).. so far ive been having a great time playing it and actually have stopped playing my usual ipad RPGs in favour of this.. i am close to finishing everything there is to be done in the lite version.. but no doubt ill reroll a monk and hunter and play them up a bit... never my favorite classes in the Tales but they are worth a relook.. after all that was what? 20+ years ago? :P

Even though i have nearly finished everything, i wont just stop and wait for the full version.. i want to try a few things.. as i said above level up a few extra characters so they are ready to join my main team for the full adventure :P so ill keep sticking my head in here.

Obviously the tales are VERY old games.. and you will have to forgive my memory.. but did the paladins ever end up with spells? Some class distinction would be good.. (this has been mentioned before.. and i think you said some extra skills and things are going in..).

OH while im here.. umm.. you know when you get a game message for instance "bob used healing balm on kate" Kate is healed by 10 points.. is there any way of speeding up the response time a little as sometimes it feels like weeks between being able to use another balm or cast another heal.. and after some bigger battles or party effecting spell it can sometimes feel like a chore.. its far from a game breaker but those runes in the crypt proper make me sigh with the time it takes to restore my party (the traps are not the issue.. keep those just the time between actions..).

"oldest RPGer in town"

I know you have said your looking at maybe some class specific skills to make them all a little bit different.. As im sure ive said someplace else.. altho ive "finished" the lite version (except the damn fungus!!!).. rolled up a monk and will prolly roll up a hunter once the monk is at the "max" lvl.. this way i get to decide on who takes the 4th slot of my team :P.. anyways.. the Rogue seems to only just be beating the casters on hps.. and even tho she is in my first 4 thats not too bad because she has the ol lock picking and trap disarming to back up her worth... however does the Monk have anything to back up the fact she cant use most armour, limited weapons and the fact her hps dont seem to be much beyond the Rogues? (honestly only just started with the monk and only 3rd lvl, so i guess i might not have given her much chance)..

So below im gonna list what id expect the classes to do... most of it to be honest is stereotypical from the various rpg's ive played and given that we only have 6 lvls many of these things may be in the full game.. so just tell me to bugger off if im covering old ground.. :P

Warriors - high melee damage, lotsa hps, heavy armour
Paladins - heavy armour, lotsa hps, some healing/curing spells, anti undead spells.
Rogues - high melee damage, sneak attacks? somehow.. maybe after they are hidden next attaxk can do massive damage if it hits?
Monks - hmm difficult one.. little armour, but very dextrous, high melee damage?, some abilities that mimic spells but are personal only.. like heals or "buffs".
Hunters - Good melee damage, none of the plate level armour.. but should be in chain and such? high range weapon damage (bows, knives, spears).. maybe summon pets (animals? depending on race?) some "buff" like spells.. like sight related or poison related ones.. you know nature style stuff? can give better examples if you like?
Conj/Mage etc etc are awesome already with what they did in Tales..

Some race specific stuff might be nice also.. not just stat bonuses related to race... This might be taking it a little deeper and more complex than originally planned.. its your vision not ours so feel free to ignore as you like :P


Im just glad someone out there actually remembers these style RPG's and is producing one :P

"Half-Giant Thief.... seriously? speciality breaking and umm breaking...."

Hi TitanSiege,

we are currently evaluating different special skills for the classes as well as titels they will get with higher levels so your remarks are highly welcome. Thanks for this!

I like the idea of other special skills for the races. In the Pen&Paper Version they have more different characteristics but many of them are useless for this D20 System Silversword is using. We will have a deeper look into this.

  • hmmm* The more I think about it the more I like the idea. :D

Theodor Keppler

To be fair... when they translated many things from pen and paper (AD+D) to PC ALOT of things both for classes and races were pointless to convert over or did not have any real way of being implemented, so as much as it might be nice i fully understand that a) it might not fit, b) its over complicates and c) just might not be possible :P

On saying all that.. PLEASE remember this is your world and as much as mine and presumably others opinions are coloured by other RPG's.. your worlds Classes and Races dont have to fit to other worlds stereotypes :P im enjoying the game as it is and look forward to exploring your world more!

"Have you heard about the word?"

I miss the Bard's Tale,D & D type games and decided to give this a try. A very good game.


About the Monk....I think it gets every Level a +1 on armour and my Monk hits with bare fists harder than my other fighters...on Level 7 right now.....

The Idea of special skills is a great idea and I want to support it fully. I remeber in Bard´s Tale 3 that the Rogue hat this hiding and killing feature....he could even hide longer and than kill at a longer range...great thing!

Òne question: will there be more songs for the Bard? Will there be a Song wich regenerates the Spellpoints? I have a hard time with my Spellcasters as they are useless after four or five rounds fighting in the Dungeones....or is there a place where I can buy Harmonic Gems?!

Again, great game, fun to play...even with lots of misses...:-)

Hello Mamü,

regaining spell points is hard, I know. But you will indeed get a bard song that regenerates spell points in the full version.
Buying Harmonic gems is not planned at the moment.

What irritates me is the fact that you have a level 7 monk... the Lite version should let you level only to 6... ;-)


P you are right....its level so long that i thought it must be at least level 7.

Any idea when the full version will be ready?

Hi Mamü,

the full version will be released in early December... this reminds me I have to do more work again.  :)

Theodor Keppler

Quote from Author: Theodor Keppler
Hi Mamü,

the full version will be released in early December... this reminds me I have to do more work again.  :)


Theodor Keppler

Early December, yay - Christmas present! Good thing I have three weeks off from work over Christmas/New Year 0:-)